Just 3 spoons a day to reduce cancer mortality: the life-saving discovery comes from Italian cuisine

According to recent research, only three spoons of a particular ingredient of Italian cuisine are enough to reduce the risk of cancer.

THE doctors unfortunately they diagnose many cases of cancer every year around the world, they occurred approximately in 2022 alone 20 million of new cases. It is therefore one very widespread pathology among human beings. Indeed, based on the archaeological finds discovered, it is possible to state with certainty that tumors were even present in the prehistory.

Archaeologists have in fact found a fossil of a hominid from 1.6 million years agocontaining the remains of an ancient neoplasm. In any case, the risk of developing this dangerous disease could be reduced by taking three tablespoons of one daily famous ingredientwhich is present in Italian cuisine.

The natural ingredient that saves lives

A study carried out by the Umberto Veronesi Foundation and IRCCS Neuromed, which analyzed the results obtained from approximately 20,000 participants, discovered the potential of a famous ingredient. In particular, researchers have understood that consuming it regularly and continuously reduces the chance of developing this disease so serious.

how to reduce cancer mortality

Three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil – biopianeta.it

This fundamental foodwhich is a cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet, therefore brings a series of benefits to the entire human organism. As regards the study, the researchers analyzed 23,000 people for 12 consecutive years, progressively processing a series of data of the highest scientific value.

The results also revealed that theextra virgin olive oil it not only reduces cancer mortality, but is also essential for reducing the chances of contracting it cardiovascular disease. So what is the ideal amount to take to bring benefits to the body? First, research has discovered a correlation between the regular consumption of extra virgin olive oil and the reduction of a quarter in deaths caused by heart disease.

However, the most important news concerns the quantity: to ward off tumors and cardiovascular diseases it is in fact sufficient to take approximately 30 grams of oil per day. In other words, enough three full spoons of extra virgin oil to reduce mortality from cancer or cardiovascular diseases. According to experts, the chances of developing these dangerous diseases are reduced by 23%, obviously by consuming the precious food on a regular basis.

It should also be emphasized that everything must be accompanied by one healthy lifestylefrom a regular one physical activity and from one correct diet. In any case, the aforementioned research once again highlights the importance of extra virgin olive oil.

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