NASA, from universe to earth, a conservation mission

Bengal tigers are among the endangered species followed in their movements thanks to NASA satellites

I bet you didn’t know that NASAin addition to exploring space, is also engaging in storage of nature. Thisspace agency is not limited to explore the universebut is also contributing to the animal protection and terrestrial ecosystems.

Satellites that protect nature

Imagine: i satellites From NASA, those little space robots that orbit the Earth aren’t just there to take panoramic photos or monitor the climate. No, they do much more! They are helping scientists track the movement of wild animals and to understand what state theirs are in habitat.

A clear example? There storage from the Bengal tigers and gods jaguars. These majestic creatures are struggling to survive due to deforestation and the expansion of human activities. Here’s where our space friends come in: NASA satellites locate the pristine areas and point out where there is a need urgent interventions to protect these endangered species.

But it’s not just NASA that’s doing its part. L’ESAthe JAXAthe Wildlife Conservation Society and even Google they are joining the fight. Yes, you read that right, Google too! They use their satellites and the power of Google Earth to help scientists detect environmental changes and protect species at risk.

And don’t think that all this is just for the love of animals. It’s much more. It’s a battle against Sixth Mass Extinction, a catastrophe that threatens the balance of our planet. But together, with the help of space technology and global efforts, we can make a difference.

Technology and environment for a better future

And it doesn’t end here. Recently, a research team used data from NASA satellites to study elephants who wander in the Masai Mara Nature Reserve of Kenya. Just imagine what we can discover thanks to this collaboration between space and earth!

In summary, the NASA it’s not just a space agency. He is a precious ally in fight for conservation of nature. Thanks to its satellites and its expertise, it is lending a hand to animals and ecosystems in danger. And together, we can make a difference and protect our precious planet Earth.

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