Google and SEO in the next Confartigianato Brescia training meeting

Google and SEO in the next Confartigianato Brescia training meeting.

Confartigianato Brescia: Google and SEO in the next meeting

The event is part of the training meetings organized by the ICT – Information and Communication Technologies category of Confartigianato Imprese Brescia and Eastern Lombardy to discover new technologies and their possible applications in the world of SMEs.

Next appointment dedicated to exploring the potential of Google and SEO (Search Engine Optimization). During the meeting, the key concepts of SEO will be explored in depth, including the factors that influence positioning in search engines and the strategies for optimizing the website and the crucial role of link building – i.e. the process of obtaining links from other websites to the precisely, which is fundamental for improving your authority in the eyes of Google.

Finally, we will explore the importance of being visible for local search, including optimizing Google My Business as well as some practical advice on how to write texts capable of improving online visibility.

Convivial format

The appointment, in a convivial format to encourage dialogue and the exchange of ideas, is set for Tuesday 7 May 2024 at 7.30 pm at the Confartigianato headquarters in Brescia in via Orzinuovi 28. Lecturer of the meeting Maurizio Festa, CEO & Founder Festa Empire. Participation is free upon registration on the website or by calling 030 3745.284-324 or by writing to: [email protected]

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