Colle Oppio, rape in broad daylight. Shock in the neighbourhood, the citizens’ committee: “We need more security”

Rape in broad daylight a Colle Oppio. Only the screams of some passing women made the attacker escape who was raping a young woman on a sidewalk homeless. It happened in broad daylight, at 10am on Saturday morning, on Via delle Sette Sale. A few meters from Colosseum and from the park entrances, crowded with families and tourists. «A terrifying scene, he started beating this poor woman, he tore her panties» is the story of Valentina Salerno, from the local committee of Colle Oppioalerted by the others residents. It was a couple of townspeople in the area who witnessed the horror and started screaming for help, while calling the police on the phone.

The cries for help, the SOS for safety

«He dragged her onto a sidewalk, then beat her, my friends continued to scream, while some men who were passing by, continued straight on. – continues to reconstruct Valentina – In the end he gave up and fled. We rescued the woman, as for hers attackerwe believe it is one homeless who frequents the nearby canteen Caritas». A few minutes later they arrived on site carabinieri, who then managed assistance to the victim. Not the first episode of violence which alarms the neighborhood. Bivouacs day and night, drunks who harass the residents, fights even involving knives, homeless people who reinvent themselves as illegal car parkers right at the entrance to the park overlooking the Colosseum. «For years we have been reporting the shortage of safety that we register in the quadrant, yet so central – summarizes Salerno – The other day I was in the park with my three year old daughter and a homeless man rushed towards us in an aggressive manner. I immediately ran away. Until some time ago they guaranteed us a patrol to guard the area, but now it’s no longer there.”

The Municipality was warned

Residents have reached almost three thousand signatures with the petition who asked for an increase in safety devices a Capitol and law enforcement: in February the warning was also issued demanding greater checks on Esquiline And Mountains. «We are talking about the center of Rome, but they are neighborhoods invaded by stragglers and camps – the lawyer underlines the contents of the alarm Carmen Trimarchi – Our requests have been partially implemented, we are recording an increase in the presence of police in the area Calipari gardens, but there is a lack of supervision in meeting places. We are not against reception, but it must be managed in a dignified way, without leaving people in difficulty in the middle of the street.”


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