Flood in Meldola, 600 thousand euros from Unipol Sai and Assicoop Romagna to the Municipality for damages

Flood in Meldola, 600 thousand euros from Unipol Sai and Assicoop Romagna to the Municipality for damages
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The compensation advance delivered today to the Municipality of Meldola by Unipolsai Assicurazioni amounts to 600,000 euros as compensation for the damage that municipal property suffered due to last year’s flood. The actual total figure will be defined later, on the basis of assessments by the technicians appointed by the Municipality and Unipolsai. “The damage to the Municipality’s assets – declared the mayor Roberto Cavallucci – was significant and requires extensive interventions. The settlement of the advance by Assicoop Romagna UnipolSai, assisted by the AON broker and by the efforts made in recent months, makes us think that we can soon return to normality.”

Maurizio Benelli CEO of Assicoop Romagna Futura and Omar El Idrissi Property Liquidation Manager of the Unipolsai Insurance Company declared “The Company we represent does not shirk its responsibilities and continues its path alongside the communities. What happened in Romagna is still alive in our memory and being able to do our part to help the area get back on its feet honors us.”


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