Fiorello: ‘Amadeus leaves Rai and goes to Nove, no offers for me’

The comedian and presenter from Catania read a clearly ironic statement from Rai live during Viva Rai2!. “It’s always the best who leave”, joked the showman, who then added: “No one offered me anything, no one called me, my answer is: sofa”

“Amadeus leaves Rai and goes to Nove”. This is how Fiorello began by reading a clearly ironic statement from Rai during the broadcast Long live Rai2!. The comedian and host from Catania returns to the topic of the day by jokingly reporting the words of the “official note” which, signed by the leaders of the past – from Carlo Fuortes to Fabrizio Del Noce – announces the divorce of the host of Your business from Viale Mazzini. “I told Roberto Sergio, Giampaolo Rossi, if you have to make the statement announcing what you have to announce… I know things that I can’t keep quiet about anymore. I’m saying it now. Amadeus, or call me and block me, otherwise I’ll say everything”, announced the showman holding the enormous envelope with the Rai logo in his hands.

The “official statement”

“Subject: it’s always the best who leave”, reads Fiorello. “The communication is related to the rumors that one of the most well-known faces wants to emigrate to channel 4 + 5, archived with the code acronym ‘Ama non si ama’ Rai, on the strength of its many years of history, expresses thanks for the work carried out with commitment, self-sacrifice, billing, and for the excellent results that it can begin to dream of in the square root channel of 81. In light of the expiring contract and the offers advanced from channel 3 for 3, does not rule out a consensual separation and asks to return all the Affari Tuoi packages that he took home by midnight. Rai expresses very best wishes to the future presenter of channel 8 + 1, so many that surely Mr. Amedeo must be giving himself a touch to his ‘usual unknowns’. Best wishes and nine of these days.”

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Fiorello jokes: “No one offered me anything”

The comedian and presenter from Catania then commented on the rumors regarding the possibility that he too would move to Discovery. “No one offered me anything, no one called me. My answer is: sofa”, joked Fiorello. And at the beginning of the episode: “I have an armored contract with my sofa. My mother even asked me ‘where the fuck is this Nine?'”. Already yesterday evening the comedian had commented on the rumors, which had gone viral, denying them on X with an ironic message: “Again??? But do you want to stop it?? I’ll go on Raitre!”. TO Long live Rai2! Fiorello also spoke about the future of Sanremo: “The motorways are leveled out. Carlo has been contacted for #Sanremo2025, he is thinking about it. From today it will certainly be yes. Can I have my say? After Amadeus we need to be on the safe side and Carlo Conti is the safe one “.


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