Intoxications | Torri del Benaco | Norovirus | Water prohibited | Analyses

Intoxications | Torri del Benaco | Norovirus | Water prohibited | Analyses
Intoxications | Torri del Benaco | Norovirus | Water prohibited | Analyses

Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. These are the symptoms exhibited by dozens of tourists and residents of Torri del Benaco in recent days. The first cases of gastrointestinal syndrome in the Garda municipality date back to last Wednesday, 26 June. But their number increased enormously between Thursday and Friday, so much so that yesterday the mayor Stefano Nicotra issued an ordinance banning the use of tap water for food. The provision has a precautionary purpose and will remain in force as long as it is deemed necessary by the municipal administration and other bodies that are monitoring the situation.

Analyzes are underway by Ulss 9 Scaligera, in synergy with the water manager Ags, through the collection of samples at various points of the aqueduct network. Meanwhile, yesterday, it was discovered that gastroenteritis was caused by norovirus, an infectious agent that is not very dangerous for humans. The norovirus, in fact, causes gastroenteritis that disappears on its own after 12 or at most after 60 hours. And none of the patients (about twenty) who turned to the emergency room of the Peschiera del Garda hospital needed hospitalization.

However, the prevention department of Ulss 9 still remains active, in close collaboration with Mayor Nicotra and with Arpav, the Zooprophylactic Institute, Nas and local law enforcement agencies. And the results of the sampling tests are awaited, to verify whether water consumption has become safe again or whether the ban ordered by the mayor is still necessary.

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