Simone Cicalone attacked in the subway by pickpockets: “It was an ambush”

“This doesn’t make me give up on the goal of this little battle of mine,” says Simone Cicalone in the video of the attack suffered by pickpockets in the Rome subway, Spain.

Cicalone in the emergency room (on the left, from Instagram) and at his home while he recounts the incident for a YouTube video (on the right, from Youtube).

The patrols do not stop Simone Cicalone in the subway stations against pickpockets. Appreciated by Fratelli d’Italia, less so by Cgil which, as soon as they learned what he was doing asked for the intervention of the Prefect, the well-known YouTuber has not stopped appearing on the subway platforms as a vigilante to try to restore public order.

But things don’t always go as expected. And Cicalone, with all his staff, he was attacked by a group of pickpockets who had noticed them while they were still on the escalator and had time to alert reinforcements. The story of what happened, ended with a night in the emergency room and an unusable camera due to a crooked lens, was shared on YouTube.

The story of Simone Cicalone

“We were attacked under the station Spanish Metro. We were going down towards the platform when one of the boys must have noticed us and, to get our attention, started slapping himself in the face. We were still going down, there wasn’t even a video camera on at the beginning. The other people who were with him, however, they got on the phone, probably to call for reinforcements“, begins with his story Cicalone. “As soon as we turned on the video camera, we filmed the boy. But he reacted and immediately lashed out at Evelina – he says – In the meantime, the people around us were increasing in number. One hit the camera, threw it to the ground: this boy was small, but he was furious, the three of us tried to immobilize him. A full-blown attack, like mushrooms came out“.

Patrols in the metro: FdI defends Simone Cicalone and attacks the CGIL

The attack on the videomaker

The one who got the worst of it, while Cicalone and his two companions were trying to stop the boy, was the videographer who was with them. “The camera was already gone, but Evelina continued to film with her cell phone. And it was attacked again, this time by the pickpockets who were there. One hit her and made her drop her phone. I see the scene from a distance, I got closer because I saw Evelina in difficulty. I went towards the girl who was hitting her, but she fell (or threw herself, I don’t know) on the sheet metal. She then ran away together with another.” Polfer intervened he took two away: one of them was banned from staying in the capital.

Then some railway police officers arrived in plain clothes and, together, they tried to stop the woman who had attacked her who, instead, walked away into the subway tunnels. She got out at the next stop, she was stopped by the police. “She said she wanted to report me and wanted to go to the emergency room because her nose hurt. They reported her with 10 days. This was my mistake – Cicalone admits – Push her to get her away from Evelina. Then I don’t know if she threw herself, stumbled or did it on purpose, precisely because she knew she would be taken back. I didn’t want to push her or hurt her, I just wanted to get her away from Evelina: there were too many women, girls around Evelina, they were hitting her.”

At the emergency room

But it wasn’t just the pickpocket who ended up in the emergency room. “Evelina and I also spent the night in hospital. She was reported with 10 days for all the beatings she took, I with 5 – he continues – This thing surprised us. It had never happened and no one should get hurt. They arrived from the other subway stations, it was an ambush. Was a terrible experience. It seemed organized”has explained.

Nose, knee, neck. These are the parts of the body that suffered the most damage for Cicalone. “After almost six hours in an emergency room in the center of Rome we are already at the third couple of tourists attacked by criminals”, he writes in his Instagram stories. “I’m sorry that it happened like this, but this it doesn’t make me give up on the goal of this little battle of mineit has become a matter of principle.”

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