HOOVER cordless vacuum cleaner for less than 100 euros: a crazy OFFER on Amazon

HOOVER cordless vacuum cleaner for less than 100 euros: a crazy OFFER on Amazon
HOOVER cordless vacuum cleaner for less than 100 euros: a crazy OFFER on Amazon

A price truly among the lowest we have ever seen in the last period accompanies the purchase of this cordless vacuum cleaner branded Hoovera relatively low-end product, which is still able to guarantee excellent performance, without spending excessive amounts.

The cordless electric broom was created to be used directly without bag, therefore the tank does not present the need to insert a small dust bag, thus allowing great savings for the final consumer. The autonomy is more than adequate for the type of product, being approximately 40 minutes of continuous use, depending on the mode of use selected by the end consumer (charging takes place with a convenient wall socket, not being equipped with charging or support base).

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Hoover: incredible offer on the electric broom

If you have been waiting for the right time to buy one electric broom

, we can tell you that it has actually arrived. These days it is available for purchase Hoover H-Free 100 (model code HF122RH), with a truly ridiculous price on Amazon: alone 99 euros, against the 199 euros expected in the list price (effective discount of 100 euros, equal to 50%). To take advantage of the opportunity, connect here.

The weight of the product is relatively low, being approx 2.6kgthe lower brush is completely motorized with the integration of LED lights which certainly facilitate the vision of the area to be cleaned and the possible presence of dirty. Inside the package there is also a good supply of accessories: including a secondary brush, an articulated tube, a tip for cleaning small areas and the nozzle for collecting crumbs or similar. In this way the electric broomor cordless vacuum cleaner, can transform into three products different ones capable of fulfilling tasks that are equally different from each other.

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