Massimo Moglio is the new technical director of Club76 – Women’s Serie A Volleyball League

Massimo Moglio is the new technical director of Club76 – Women’s Serie A Volleyball League
Massimo Moglio is the new technical director of Club76 – Women’s Serie A Volleyball League

New entry into the great white-blue family of Club76.

Reale Mutua Fenera Chieri and Club76 have in fact said goodbye to coach in recent days Maurizio Moretticoach of Serie B2.

In his place, as technical director of Club76, he will take on coaching duties Massimo Moglio.

I am flattered by Chieri’s proposal – comments coach Moglio – It is the club that is working best in the youth sector at Piedmontese level and, in fact, one of the objectives that we have set ourselves with the managers is to enhance the technical growth of the girls and the team”.

I’m excited – he adds – replacing coach Moretti is not a given, given the excellent results achieved in recent years. However, the sensations are positive, as the collaboration with Playasti also provides many qualified managers, with whom an excellent understanding has already been created. A new experience with a very high level company, exciting and rewarding”.

Satisfaction also on the part of Club76, in the words of the sporting director of Chieri ’76, Max Gallo:We welcome Massimo Moglio. We are very happy that he accepted our proposal, convinced that his experience and his qualities as a coach, especially at youth level, can bring further quality to the growth path of Club76”.


Born in Turin in 1961, he began coaching in 1984 in Cafasse, his town of residence.

From 1985 to 1992 he coached Dim Cafasse, bringing the first team from the third division to the women’s Serie B1; he was technical director of the youth sector and obtained some second places in the national finals.

From 1992 to 1995 he led Candelo Volley in Serie B1. In the 1995/1996 season he returned to Cafasse to follow the first team in Serie B1. He then arrived at Settimo Torinese, where he remained for 17 consecutive years, taking the club first from Serie C to Serie B1 and, later, again from Serie C to Serie A2. In 2017 he moved to Pinerolo and, after a first year of youth at the helm of a Serie B2, he won the bronze medal at the Under 14 national finals.

In the following season, at the helm of Serie B1, he took the club to A2, achieving salvation in the following season. He therefore accepted the invitation of the Valentino Volpianese club: in 2022/23 he won the Under 13 regional title and was Under 14 regional vice-champion, while in this last season he won the Under 14 regional title, obtaining the medal silver at the national category finals.

He contributed to the growth of some athletes, including Cinzia Perona, Simona Porchietto and Loredana Secco in Cafasse; Paola Paggi and Marta Lanza in Candelo, Jasmina Akrari, Marina Lubian, Rachele Morello and Fatim Kone in Settimo.

He was at the helm of the Piedmontese regional team for 12 seasons, winning five national titles and three second places. He is the regional technical contact and responsible for the Piedmontese coaches.

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