“The Biella Rugby Club is an apolitical and non-partisan sports club” – Newsbiella.it

“The Biella Rugby Club is an apolitical and non-partisan sports club” – Newsbiella.it
“The Biella Rugby Club is an apolitical and non-partisan sports club” – Newsbiella.it

We receive and publish:

“Filippo Musso, president of the Biella Rugby Club, on behalf of the entire board of directors, wishes to clarify the following: “The Biella Rugby Club is an apolitical and non-partisan sports club. The doors of our structure have always been open to everyone. During the ongoing electoral campaign some candidates asked to visit our house and we were proud to show what we and various public institutions have done over the years.

However, the club cannot be held responsible for the use of photographic or other material, produced by the press offices of the parties and of some candidates, present during these meetings, and perhaps published and disseminated on social networks or elsewhere. No one should associate our colors with any political faith or candidate, at all possible levels.

We certainly cannot answer for who has photographs taken in our facility or for the communication methods of the various press offices, but we reject any possible or possible comparison.

We want to dialogue with all public institutions and therefore anyone who applies to represent them is welcome with us. We hope that the next municipal administration will continue along the path of valorisation and development of our sports association, one of a kind.”

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