Inter at Oaktree, Zhang calls the managers. And he prepares the legal battle

Inter at Oaktree, Zhang calls the managers. And he prepares the legal battle
Inter at Oaktree, Zhang calls the managers. And he prepares the legal battle

Steven Zhang also called the Inter managers in the last few hours and is preparing the legal battle in Luxembourg

Since yesterday, Inter has officially belonged to Oaktree. La Gazzetta dello Sport tells the situation seen from China, Steven Zhang side. Several social greetings arrived in the evening for the now former Nerazzurri president, who is preparing a legal battle based in Luxembourg, underlines the rosy.

Legal battle ahead

Three calls from China, like the good times, like the day before yesterday. Steven Zhang, now only formally president of the club, kept in contact with the club’s Italian managers yesterday too, on day 1 of the American era. It is an inevitable dialogue even just for the technical steps in this transition phase, despite the fact that the Chinese flag has now been lowered on the Viale della Liberazione headquarters. Beyond personal mood, the star president has shown his willingness to collaborate for the good of Inter, even if the legal battle will most likely come anyway. It will be long and will have Luxembourg as its central field: there, where Great Horizon, the Nerazzurri’s parent company, has its headquarters, an expert will be chosen by the court who will give a value to the club. Based on that figure, the share that Oaktree will have to add to the 395 million never received from China will be calculated. The higher the amount to be paid, the less “painful” Suning’s exit will be. The lower the rating, the greater the risk of lawyers and stamped papers.

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