Breaking news Formula 1, destroyed fans: “We’re ruining everything”

Breaking news Formula 1, destroyed fans: “We’re ruining everything”
Breaking news Formula 1, destroyed fans: “We’re ruining everything”

Some statements have arrived that certainly do not please Formula 1 fans: here’s what the former steward said

Who says that the Formula 1 is far from being considered unpredictable and spectacular and is not entirely wrong in the end. The dominion of Red Bull, in fact, has slightly deflated the media appeal around the competition with fans hoping soon to see balance and uncertainty in the title fight again. After all, Verstappen is the big favorite again this year, net of the victories won by Sainz and Norris.

Harsh words against F1 (LaPresse) –

To these problems relating to competitiveness to be ironed out, there are others that have to do with the way in which the commissioners and members of the race management of each Grand Prix decide who and how to give the penalty. In Miami, in the last GP, this dynamic actually appeared evident even to the least attentive observer.

Various errors have led to difficult situations to manage, such as the late entry of Safety Car or the penalty, considered too harsh, against Sainz.

F1, the former steward admits: “We are ruining this sport”

Harsh but sincere statements that arrive a few hours after those of Fernando Alonsowhich to Fia and in general he didn’t reserve nice words for the F1 commissioners. In addition to the Spaniard, also the former steward Joaquin Verdegay has something to say about Formula 1 becoming less spectacular than it was a handful of years ago.

In short, according to the Spaniard, F1 is going through a delicate moment and where what dictates the law is also an often wrong way of interpreting the rules. It follows that the public, like the pilots, complains a lot about the direction meter used by the commissioners.

Harsh statements against F1 and the FIA ​​(LaPresse) –

Interviewed by the podcast ‘A Diary’the former steward first commented on Alonso’s words, judging them to be too excessive: the Aston Martin driver had said that in F1 the Spanish racers are punished more, Verdegay said he was doubtful about this.

But even from his side there are rather harsh comments on the often very questionable application of the current rules: “What worries me is the lack of control, it’s a loss of direction that saddens me. Why did they stop running in the rain? And now there are these absurd races behind a safety car“, continues the former Spanish steward, saying at the end: “I feel like we’re ruining this sport. I don’t think anyone enjoys running now“.

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