Rugby, tomorrow at Zaffanella it is mandatory to win to reach the championship final

VIADANA – Everything will be decided tomorrow, the future of Rugby Viadana 1970 is all contained in one match, the second playoff match for the yellow and blacks who willtomorrow, Saturday 11 May at 5pm they will face Valorugby Emilia on the magnificent pitch of the Zaffanella Stadium. An inside or outside game, a championship final match or season concluded, the stakes are high but the team, its fans, the Stadium and Viadana will certainly not be caught unprepared.
“This is the decisive match – Coach Pavan firmly declares – very important for both teams because in case of victory it will mark the first championship final for the Reggio Emilia or the return after 14 years to the final for the gialloneri, rewriting the history of the club for both. I think this fully describes the importance of this match. A match in which we have a slight advantage because we will be playing at home, in front of our fans. Playing the last matches with a packed stadium has given us an extra boost, an extra boost for this young group who have managed to make themselves appreciated by the whole city. . These two weeks of stoppage served us to prepare for this match and to recover from some ailments. We are ready, the team is ready, we will give our best.”
Few doubts for the staff after the excellent performance against Colorno, in fact the same formation will take the field from the first minute, a formation capable of leaving little space for the opponent’s play, little time to react, little breathing space, driven by incessant cheering, a true sixteenth man on the pitch.
Training: Sauze, Bronzini, Morosini, Jannelli (C), Ciofani, Roger, Baronio, Ruiz, Wagenpfeil, Locatelli, Lavorenti, Schinchirimini, Mignucci, Luccardi, Mistretta. Available: Fiorentini, Denti, Oubiña, Boschetti, Catalano, Gregorio, Madero, Ciardullo.

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