Mario Bozzoli Murder, Carabinieri at the Nephew Giacomo’s House. But He’s Not There

Mario Bozzoli Murder, Carabinieri at the Nephew Giacomo’s House. But He’s Not There
Mario Bozzoli Murder, Carabinieri at the Nephew Giacomo’s House. But He’s Not There

Brescia – James Bozzoli he is not in his house on the Brescia side of the Lake Garda where he is resident. This was confirmed by the carabinieri who showed up at the house but they didn’t find anyone a few hours after the pronouncement of the Cassation Court confirms life sentence for 39-year-old Brescian considered by the magistrates to be the murderer of his uncle Mario. The military is working to track down the man who has remained free for nine years, awaiting the pronouncement of the final judgment.

Today the judges of the first criminal section of Piazza Cavour have the appeal filed by the defendant’s lawyers was rejected against the sentence of the Court of Assizes of Appeal of Brescia of 17 November 2023. According to the judges, the entrepreneur Mario Bozzoli was thrown into the oven of Marcheno Foundry on the evening of October 8, 2015 as supported by the Court of Assizes of Brescia, then confirmed by the Court of Assizes of Appeal and now by the Supreme Court. The offices of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Brescia have already received the extract of the Supreme Court’s sentence, a fundamental document for issuing the order of imprisonment.

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