“You control me, you scare me”. The audios before the murder

“You control me, you scare me”. The audios before the murder
“You control me, you scare me”. The audios before the murder

He was afraid Of Filippo Turetta, Giulia Cecchettinand he didn’t hide it from him: those prove it vowelsthe grade audio send away WhatsApp to that “Pippo” – as she still managed to call him, with a residual affection – before thehomocidethat Goofy who tormented her despite the end of their relationship.

She also said it to her friends, Giulia, when she confessed to them that she was afraid that Filippo Turetta would carry out those dramatic voluntary gestures that he had said he was capable of. Shortly before dying, therefore, she had reported her concerns to the person directly concerned. The reconstruction comes from the national press and from ‘Quarto Grado’.

“It scares me, okay? Because I know you could show up”, Giulia said to Filippo when the latter asked her about her movements. Then again: “One day I didn’t say goodnight to you and wow, the end of the world.” Turetta, in response, rejected the accusations: “It’s not like that, I’m sick, okay? With you I feel good and we are happy“.

Giulia Cecchettin also pointed out to him how much pressure she felt when he, seeing her online on WhatsApp, asked her why and who she was chatting with. “Goofy, you’re obsessed, you are a psychopath!“. Even on the desire for control, Turetta denied: “We are recent, we are still two potatoes (…) how can you think of dating another guy? What kind of ridiculous person are you?”

Photo source: Instagram – biscott0alcioccolato / ANSA

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