The Fact of Tomorrow

The Fact of Tomorrow
The Fact of Tomorrow

USA, AFTER THE FLOP ON TV WITH TRUMP, 6 OUT OF 10 AMERICANS ASK FOR BIDEN TO BE REPLACED. MAGIC CIRCLE, OFFICIALS AND EXECUTIVES: HERE’S WHO REALLY RULES THE WHITE HOUSE. After the disastrous TV confrontation with Donald Trump, the New York Times with an italics from its editorial board and 60% of voters are calling for Joe Biden to be replaced. Many of the major campaign financiers of the Democratic Party are waiting to understand what will happen and then decide whether and how to support the Dems. According to the New York newspaper, some of the richest men in America (primarily Silicon Valley) are trying to understand how to push “Sleepy Joe” to give up. On the Made of tomorrow we will tell you who really rules the White House among officials, managers and the men in the magic circle of the re-nominated president.

FRANCE AT THE VOTE, THIS TIME LE PEN CAN CONQUER THE GOVERNMENT: THE NATIONAL RASSEMBLEMENT TOWARDS A (DIFFICULT) COHABITATION WITH MACRON. Forty-nine million French people are called to renew – 3 years in advance – the 577 deputies of the ANational assembly. It is a historic appointment, in which France could for the first time have a far-right government cohabiting with President Emmanuel Macron. The latest polls confirm the advantage of National Gathering (RN) with his allies who came out of the Republicans with their president Erico Ciotti. The far right as a whole is at 35%, followed by the New Popular Front, the left-wing coalition, at 29%. Behind it, the current Macronian majority of Ensemble, at 20%. Followed by, i Republicans without Ciotti, at 9%. The most likely scenario sees a cohabitation, which is not going to be easy, between Macron – who still has 3 years of mandate – and Jordan Bardella, 28, prime ministerial candidate of Marine Le Pen’s party. Polls open tomorrow morning at 8. On Made of tomorrow you can read an interview with Jerome FenoglioDirector of The world.

AUTONOMY COMPACTS THE OPPOSITIONS AND IN CAMPANIA TOUT EST PARDONNE’: SCHLEIN “FLIRTS” WITH DE LUCA. In the region of the sheriff of Salerno, the anti-Deluchian clean-up not only never started but now Elly Schlein and the governor get along in the name of the fight against differentiated autonomy wanted by the government of Giorgia Meloni. “The battle for reforms becomes a priority in parliamentary battles and in the country”, theorizes Filiberto Zaratti, of Alleanza Verdi Sinistra. ‘From differentiated autonomy, to the premiership and the reform of Justice with the separation of careers, reforms become a central element – he adds – and around this central element a collaboration of the opposition can be welded”.


Attack on Israeli embassy with crossbow: 25-year-old killed in Belgrade. A policeman was injured. The government: “It’s terrorism.” Milos Zujovic, 25, shot and wounded a police officer guarding the Israeli embassy in Belgrade in the neck with a crossbow and was killed by the officer. It is “a terrorist act against Serbia and the police,” said Serbian Interior Minister Ivica Dacic. After the attack, he explained, some people who were near police facilities were arrested. “There are indications that these are people already known to the security services” belonging to the “Wahhabi movement”, added Dacic.

Ita and Lufthansa ready to marry: the EU will give the green light on July 3rd. Brussels will give its final green light to the wedding between Ita and Lufthansa on Wednesday 3 July. The positive verdict of the antitrust, announced in recent weeks, will therefore arrive one day ahead of the deadline set for 4 July. After the first positive EU orientation at a technical level obtained on 17 June, the operation has also received the green light from the national authorities of the member countries. The agreement includes conditions to protect competition at the Milan-Linate airport and on short- and long-haul routes, with the opening to rival companies.

Carla Bruni risks investigation in the Libya-Sarkozy case. The former Premiere dame was summoned by the judges for the possible opening of a case against her as part of the investigation into the retraction in 2020 of the accusatory testimony against Nicolas Sarkozy by the intermediary Ziad Takieddine. It is a part of the investigation that arose from the alleged financing of the 2007 presidential campaign, won by Sarkozy, with Libyan funds. Sources close to the investigators have reported that the former top model risks being charged with crimes such as complicity in influencing a witness or criminal conspiracy aimed at bribing judges.

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