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Guterres’ shameful double standard on Israel and Hezbollah

The Secretary General of the United Nations closes his eyes to the terrorists who are arming themselves in Lebanon to attack the Jewish state by trampling on UN posts

The Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterresyesterday said he was “deeply concerned” about the escalation of tension between Israel and Hezbollah and he chose to use these words to try to describe what the institution he represents, the United Nations, thinks of the situation that exists to the north of Israel.

Thus Guterres: “One rash move, one miscalculation, could trigger a catastrophe that goes far beyond the border and, frankly, beyond imagination. Let’s be clear: we cannot allow Lebanon to become another Gaza.”

The position of the number one of the United Nations – United Nations which in the last nine months have done everything to legitimize anyone who has tried to delegitimize the state of Israel, adhering in several steps to thepolitical agenda dictated by the Iranian ayatollahs and doing everything to prevent the levers of international diplomacy from being used to put pressure on Hamas and not on Israel – it is a crystal clear manifesto of the uselessness, the danger, the toxicity of the positioning chosen by the institution led by Guterres within the so-called Middle Eastern chessboard.

Guterres perhaps didn’t realize it but since 8 October 2023, the day after the Hamas massacre in the kibbutzim, rockets launched by Hezbollah, the Lebanese terrorist militias financed and supported by Iran, have been raining down in Israel. To be precise, about two thousand missiles in 257 days. An average of eight a day. With peaks of up to two hundred per day reached on June 12th. Guterres, as often happens to him, forgets to remember who the attacked and who the attackers are and tries to muddy the waters by putting terrorist groups (Hamas, Hezbollah) on the same level with regular armies (like that of Israel). But the desire not to call things by their name is linked to an international shame that concerns the double standard used by the United Nations on Israel.

For the UN, every attack carried out on Gaza by Israel is potentially a war crime, an attack against international law. Every attack received by Israel from the north, from Lebanon, from Hezbollah, is instead something that can be overshadowed, despite the commitment made by the UN in 2006 when Unifil was born, with resolution 1701, according to which there should not be “armed personnel, positions and weapons” between the Israeli border and the Litani river “other than those of the Lebanese army and the Unifil forces”.

Over the last eight years of United Nations “vigilance”, Hezbollah has consolidated its control over Middle Eastern Lebanon, has accumulated an arsenal of rockets and missiles, around 100,000 devices aimed at Israel, and has set aside long-range missiles , 250-300 km, of the “Fateh” type, purchased from Iran, has increased its anti-tank and anti-armored armaments and in the last nine months its attacks on Israel have forced 60 thousand Israelis to change their surroundings, to flee from their homes.

Last Wednesday, Hassan Nasrallah, the head of terrorist militias in Lebanon, warned that Hezbollah could target Cyprus, a European Union country, if the Cypriot government allows Israel to use its airports and bases to strike Lebanon. One could compare the prudence that the UN uses when terrorists violate resolutions and the non-prudence that the UN uses when it chooses to accuse Israel of violating some resolutions. But the most interesting reasoning to shed light on the Guterres case coincides with a simple question: is the UN that turns a blind eye to Israel’s enemies who arm themselves to try to destroy Israel working towards the stability of the Middle East or is it working only to be a fifth column of Iranian ayatollahs helping theocratic regimes to transform the attacked into aggressors and the aggressors into the attacked? From the shame of the United Nations it’s all, to you I study.

  • 083730193-0cf35652-70c4-480b-beb1-ea40e9
  • Claudio Cerasa Director

  • Born in Palermo in 1982, he has lived in Rome for a long time, has worked at the Foglio since 2005 and has been director since January 2015. He has written some books (“The chains of the right” and “The chains of the left”, with Rizzoli, “I can’t be silent”, with Einaudi, “Tra l’asino e il cane. Conversazione sull’Italia”, with Rizzoli, “La Presa di Roma”, with Rizzoli, and “I saw the black man”, with Castelvecchi), is on Twitter. He is an Inter fan, but above all from Palermo. He’s crazy about Green Day, the Strokes, the Killers, chocolate cakes and frozen oysters. Two sons.

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