Leonardo Donno (M5s) and the brawl in the Chamber: «The report, the kicks, the punches, the slaps against the clerk: now I’m reporting them all»

Leonardo Donno (M5s) and the brawl in the Chamber: «The report, the kicks, the punches, the slaps against the clerk: now I’m reporting them all»
Leonardo Donno (M5s) and the brawl in the Chamber: «The report, the kicks, the punches, the slaps against the clerk: now I’m reporting them all»

«I have the medical report with me. Does he want to read it? Leonardo Donno is the deputy of the 5 Star Movement who was the victim of the brawl in the Chamber of Deputies. And today in a series of interviews with the newspapers he reconstructs what happened yesterday afternoon in Montecitorio. “They kicked me, a fist hit me right in the sternum,” he says. Donno, 38 years old, in his second term with the M5s, comes from the family that owns Donno Impianti in Galatina. League deputy Igor Iezzi claims to have tried to hit him with a punch, but that he didn’t catch it. And he talks about an act: «I say that he and his colleagues should be ashamed. I received repeated kicks, a punch on the sternum. And it wasn’t just Iezzi. There were other Northern League members like Candiani and then Amich and Cangiano (FdI, ed.). But I have decided that I will report everyone.”

Brawl in Montecitorio

Yesterday in the late afternoon the Chamber discussed the law on Autonomy when Roberto Speranza (Pd) ended his speech by shouting “Long live Italy”. At that point the opposition deputies wave the tricolor and sing the Mameli anthem, followed by Hello beautiful. The Northern League deputy Domenico Furgiuele mimes the Decima Mas gesture three times and is expelled by his party colleague Lorenzo Fontana, who suspends the session. At that point Donno goes down to the government benches to try to deliver an Italian flag to Roberto Calderoli. At that point Fontana expels him too and calls the clerks. But before them the deputies arrive. Donno tells the Corriere della Sera what happened with Calderoli: «I told him: “Mr. Minister, this is the flag of Italy, take it with you”. He started to back away and say ‘no, no’.”

Donno’s story

At that point the attack began: «They surrounded me. They say I faked it? And instead it was an act of pure squadrism, in the turmoil they also lost a clerk, even a parliamentary assistant, they too got punched, it is unacceptable that such a serious event should happen in Parliament before everyone’s eyes. And then there were doctors present who immediately rushed and stabilized me, ask them, what a drama! The punch on the sternum literally made me collapse on the ground, I could no longer breathe.” TO Republic Donno reads what the report says: «”During the session he received a blow to the sternum, having difficulty breathing for a few seconds, without losing consciousness. Transferred to intensive care, vital parameters normal.” After 7-8 electrocardiograms, they also gave me a painkiller.”

The slap to the clerk

But the Grillino deputy also says that he did not see if Iezzi hit him with a punch: «A clerk also got a slap. When I collapsed on the floor I wasn’t breathing, I was sweating a lot, I still feel sore. Iezzi from the League grazed my eye with a punch, I remember this, and he tried to give me another 4 or 5, but I don’t think he succeeded.” According to him, Mollicone from FdI may have hit him. And he adds that they continued to insult him too while he was in a wheelchair: «They shouted “buffoon” and “asshole” at me». TO The print Donno also says that he will report everyone: «It seems like the least after what happened. I will call my lawyers and evaluate how to proceed after seeing the images.”

Iezzi’s version…

Igor Iezzi, 49 years old, from Milan and group leader of the League in the Constitutional Affairs Commission, says that “we would like VAR” instead. And he invites you to watch the video: «I didn’t hit Donno. Yes, I tried several times to attack him but I didn’t actually throw the punch. I am far away from Donno, there are other deputies who intervene. He says so too…”. And again: «Sticking on the football theme, I committed the foul, I’m not hiding it. But Donno is a simulator. He fell like a pear and came out in a wheelchair. Come on!”. Enzo Amich from Casale Monferrato also denies it: «I didn’t hit anyone. And to be honest, in my opinion none of us hit him. Donno comedian”.

…and that of Cangiano

Gimmi Cangiano (FdI) also rejects the accusations: «Colleague Donno evidently got the wrong person in the chaos. From the images you can see very well that I approached the fray only to take away the tricolor from him.” The only versions missing are those by Stefano Candiani (Lega) and Federico Mollicone (FdI).

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