“Ultimo and Jacqueline Luna Di Giacomo will soon be parents”, they would be expecting a boy

Ultimo and Jacqueline Luna Di Giacomo could soon become parents according to what Alessandro Rosica, better known as the Social Investigator, reveals, who also anticipates the sex of the baby on the way.

According to what Alessandro Rosica, known on social media as ‘Social Investigator’, reveals, Jacqueline Luna Di Giacomo she would be pregnant. The gossip expert launched the indiscretion in the last few hours, revealing that Last he will become the father of a boy. No confirmation has been received from those directly involved.

The indiscretion about Ultimo and Jacqueline Luna Di Giacomo

In the last few hours Alessandro Rosica has launched the indiscretion according to which Jacqueline Luna Di Giacomo and Ultimo will soon become parents. According to what we read on the Social Investigator’s Instagram profile, the news would be “very certain”. More, “her mother“, Heather Parisi, he would not have digested the news to the point that he declared that he did not want to see the child. The baby on the way would be a male.

Post by Alessandro Rosica

Relations with Heather Parisi were already particularly tense. The American naturalized Italian showgirl a Beasts he spoke about his relationships with his children, making it clear that he saw and heard from them regularly, despite the distance. She declared, however, that she did not know Ultimo and did not want to talk about the relationship between the singer and his daughter. After the interview, Jaqueline Luna Di Giacomo, with a story on her Instagram, clarified: “I haven’t seen my mother in 10 years. I felt disrespected and I disagree with whatever was said. She knows nothing about my life“.

Giorgia Crivello and Stefano Laudoni reveal the sex of the baby on the way, the video of the gender reveal

Ultimo’s stop for 2025

After the launch of the indiscretion, Ultimo fans would have immediately found the reason why the singer decided not to perform in 2025. Niccolò Moriconi, his real name, is busy in the stadiums in this month of June 2024 but he has already announced that he won’t be on any stage next year. “I think it’s right to stop in 2025, we won’t play. But I’m working on the new album. I don’t know if I’ll release it before the tour or after the tour. I’m lucky enough to have my own record label so I do as I please and therefore I’m thinking about whether to release it sooner or later but I will leave you new music that will keep you company in this year when we won’t see each other” he told his fans on Instagram last March. The decision may have been made following the tender discovery of her pregnancy. No confirmation, however, came from those directly involved.

The love story between Ultimo and Jacqueline Luna Di Giacomo

Lost in love, Ultimo and Jacqueline Luna Di Giacomo have never hidden the deep love they feel for each other on social media. He recently dedicated a song to her, Somewhere else, released last May 10th. They have been together for about three years and the singer, after meeting her, declared that he did not need other people in her life. “I don’t want other people. I don’t want new things. Talk to me, take me elsewhere. Between bright stars and empty beaches. Come on, talk to me and take me somewhere else. Between my lyrics and your voice. As long as it’s somewhere else.”we read in the lyrics of the song by the Roman singer-songwriter.

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