All the lies of Giorgia Meloni in her latest Instagram live broadcast

All the lies of Giorgia Meloni in her latest Instagram live broadcast
All the lies of Giorgia Meloni in her latest Instagram live broadcast

Giorgia Meloni is back with her social column “Giorgia’s notes”. In the twenty-two minutes of live broadcast dedicated to celebrating the government’s work, many did not miss several inaccuracies uttered by the prime minister. Let’s see what they are.

Yesterday Giorgia Meloni is back with her social column “Giorgia’s notes”, renamed for the occasion “Telemeloni”. A mockery of the opposition which for months has been denouncing the space reserved for the government in public service networks. “The only Telemeloni that exists is this one, everything else is fake news from a left that, being used to occupying television, thinks that others are like it. But since we are very and proudly different from the left, we have already dismantled this hoax data in hand”, declared the prime minister.

But if it is true that according to the Observatory Pavia Meloni would be the ‘least present prime minister on TV’ compared to the previous ones (Draghi, Conte, Gentiloni and Renzi), it is equally true that Fratelli d’Italia holds the record of speaking time in Rai news programmes. This was reported by Agcom, which in its recent analysis carried out close to the European elections photographs the state of political-institutional pluralism on television. In the top three public service networks, Fratelli d’Italia is the party with more space on the news than the other political forces.

During the live broadcast Meloni also returned to the decree Profitometer which in recent days had triggered quite a few tensions within the majority. “It has been said that the government has reintroduced a fiscal Big Brother mechanism. This is not the case. We have always been against the Redditometer so dear to the left”, declared the prime minister, forgetting that the powers of the tax authorities were expanded in 2010, before Renzi, the then Berlusconi government. A right-wing executive, in fact. “We have decided to suspend the decree”, reiterated Meloni although he has not yet clarified the nature of the intervention on the law passed by the deputy minister Maurizio Leo and already published in the Official Journal.

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But this is not the only inaccuracy pronounced by the prime minister in her twenty-two minutes of live social media. About the cutting the tax wedge in fact, Meloni accused the Democratic Party of “never cutting it”, neglecting that in 2020 the Giallorossi government led by Giuseppe Conte had passed a decree in this regard.

The prime minister then spoke about healthcare, thus celebrating the work of his team: “Never has any government put so much money into healthcare.” If on the one hand the absolute values ​​seem to confirm Meloni’s words, on the other if these data are compared to the GDP estimates what emerges, in reality, is that healthcare spending in 2024 is decreasing compared to that of last year. According to the analysis of the Parliamentary Budget Office, this would be 6.4% of GDP compared to 6.6% in 2023. Funds which also according to the Gimbe Foundation would be “insufficient and inadequate” to support public health.

Finally, the Prime Minister launched a direct attack on the opposition leader Elly Schlein. “The secretary of the Democratic Party recently said that in this year and a half I would be canceling people’s freedom, a singular accusation for those who voted for measures to lock people in their homes in pandemic but I ask Schlein what freedoms have been canceled by this government. Ours are battles for freedom. Tell us what you’re talking about but tell us something concrete because freedom has always been limited only to the left and the point is that citizens have understood this”, he declared. Yet, even in this case, we must remember that on 11 March 2020, in the midst of a pandemic emergency, it was Meloni herself who wrote this on her Facebook account: “After the WHO defined the coronavirus emergency as a pandemic, I believe that the Government should do further research on our proposal to close everything” .

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