Marine Le Pen wants a divorce from the German far-right AfD. Salvini agrees, but quibbles with Tajani: «He’s wrong about her»

Marine Le Pen wants a divorce from the German far-right AfD. Salvini agrees, but quibbles with Tajani: «He’s wrong about her»
Marine Le Pen wants a divorce from the German far-right AfD. Salvini agrees, but quibbles with Tajani: «He’s wrong about her»

Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National breaks with the AfD, the German far-right party which has decided to impose a ban on its main candidate for the European elections, Maximilian Krah, from any public appearance. This was reported by the Dpa news agency, citing a party spokesperson. It all starts from an interview in “Repubblica” last May 18 where Krah, leader of the AfD, declares that not all SS men can be considered war criminals. Krah, after those words, remained in his place. So Le Pen, clearly embarrassed, decided to stop cooperation with the Germans. Measures are being considered even before the European elections, reports Radio Libertà, after the video link made today between Matteo Salvini, leader of the League, and Le Pen. Meanwhile, the full understanding between Salvini and the French leader was confirmed during the video connection, in which Marco Zanni and Marco Campomenosi were also present. Among the possible options, explains the Northern League leader, “there is also the removal of the delegation from the ID group, but they will discuss it in Brussels”.

«The video call with Le Pen went very well. Tajani? In my opinion he’s wrong.”

And the saying would be true that if a butterfly flaps its wings in Brussels, a storm breaks out in Rome. The divorce is creating tensions in the government majority. The Foreign Minister, deputy prime minister and leader of Forza Italia, Antonio Tajani, agrees on the divorce between Afd and the rest of the group. But, he underlines, the problem «she is also Mrs Le Pen, because she wants to leave her NATO, she is certainly not a pro-European. You cannot think of governing Europe by being against Europe. How do we get along with those who want to destroy Europe? We are for NATO and for a united Europe”, she said at an event at Palazzo Wedekind in Rome. His words that did not go unnoticed. For Deputy Prime Minister Salvini, the video call with Le Pen “went very well, there was total harmony”. «The group gets together – she added – then if one says among the SS there were nice people we are beyond good», she declared. «I hope to be able to rebuild the European centre-right – added Salvini – certainly when Tajani also takes it out on Le Pen, in my opinion he is wrong. We work to unite.” The clarification from party sources is even harsher. «It is surprising that my friend Antonio Tajani prefers the warmongering Emmanuel Macron to Marine Le Pen, just as it is surprising that the other day he criticized the League’s slogan ‘less Europe’, given that it was the watchword also chosen by Silvio Berlusconi for the electoral campaign of the elections of 25 May 2014, when the current Foreign Minister was European Commissioner”, party sources replied to LaPresse. «The League does not change its mind and continues to believe that the centre-right model that is governing well in Italy should also be proposed in Brussels – they underline».

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