The Weekender: listen to albums by Pond, Emiliana Torrini, Kate Nash (and many others…) released today

For some years now, Friday has been the day of the week dedicated to record releases. What better way then to mentally prepare for the upcoming long-awaited weekend than to review the best albums released in the last few hours?
The records awaited for months are finally among us… enjoy listening

POND – “Stung!”
[Spinning Top Records]
psychedelic rock

Inspired by “Tusk” dei Fleetwood Mac and from “Sign ‘O’ the Times” by Princethe band states that this album, which is the tenth following the previous “9” by three years, is looser and freer than the previous ones.


Emiliana Torrini and her friend Zoewhile tidying up the attic of the house, they found a box full of letters, diaries and photographs belonging to the mother of Zoe, recently disappeared. An exceptional secret life that her daughter was unaware of. An extraordinary woman – Geraldine Flower – with an equally astonishing story: nine marriage proposals without ever getting married; lover of a US diplomat associated with the CIA and a steel drummer from Trinidad; as a teenager she even walked a lion cub around London cemeteries as a part-time night job. Fascinated by her fictional stories, Emiliana decided to bring “Miss Flower” back to life in the form of stories set to music.

KATE NASH – “9 Sad Symphonies”
[Kill Rock Stars]

Kate Nashwho returned to being heard a few months ago with a new single, “Change“, today unveils the new work which she describes as follows:

I’ve been through the sewers of this industry and so my goal is to make good music that I believe in, have some longevity and do good live shows. I no longer feel in competition with the industry. I’ve been around for twenty years and now I’m in my own league.

His latest LP “Yesterday Was Foreever” dates back to March 2018.

THE MYSTERINES – “Afraid Of Tomorrows”
[Fiction Records]

Just over two years after “Reeling“, The Mysteries release their second album today, initially scheduled for June 7th. The frontwoman Lia Metcalfe explains:

“Afraid Of Tomorrows” contains a lot of darkness and has more weight than “Reeling”, which was driven by character and narrative. This time I didn’t want to be so literal. There’s a lot of fear and paranoia throughout the record, but it takes you on a journey right up to the title track, which sees us trying to end things on a happier note. I want fans to know that this album comes from a very honest place.

BEEN STELLAR – “Scream From New York, NY”
[Dirty Hit]

After an interesting series of singles and the unconditional esteem of 1975 who wanted them as a support band on their recent European tour i Been Stellar release their debut album today.

OR. – “WeirdOs
[Speedy Wunderground]
alternative, prog, free jazz

Duo composed of Joe Henwood on baritone sax and Tash Keary drums emerging from Brixton’s fervent Windmill music scene where they recently emerged Black Country, New RoadThe Squid hey Black Midi.


About a year after the release of his latest studio album, “Space Heavy”, King Krule releases a new EP. “SHHHHHH!” contains four tracks originally only available on flexi-discs at the merchandise stall during the British artist’s 2023 tour.

SUMAC – “The Healer”
[Thrill Jockey]

Second album, third if we consider the collaborative album with Keiji Haino in 2022, for the trio with a strong imprint led by Aaron Turner already in force Isis.

LANKUM – “Live in Dublin”
[Rough Trade]
folk, alternative

Recorded over three sold-out nights on Vicar Street in Dublin, following the release of their fourth studio album “False Lankum”, “Live in Dublin” features Lankum grappling with songs from their entire catalogue, including “The Rocky Road To Dublin”, which has never been officially released until now.

DANIEL DAVIES – “Ghost of the Heart”
[Sacred Bones]
alt rock

In the last decade, Daniel Davies has come to attention as an esteemed composer of instrumental music, film and TV soundtracks, along with John Carpenter in the director’s “Lost Themes” albums. But in his previous musical life, Davies he was a rocker, touring all over the world with bands like Year Long Disaster And Karma to Burn. With his new solo album Davies returns to the alt-rock sound he had temporarily put aside, strengthening it with the things he learned from creating soundtracks and instrumental music.

LINDA THOMPSON – “Proxy Music”
folk, songwriting

First album in over a decade for the iconic British singer and composer who for this “Proxy Music” gathers her family around her (her son Teddy produces, the ex-husband Richard plays guitar on several tracks) and a long list of musician friends like Rufus Wainwright, Martha Wainwright, Eliza Carthy, The Proclaimers, Dori Freeman.

MINISTERS – “Live @ MI AMI Festival” EP
[Nigiri/Sony Music Italy]

Almost a month after their performance on the iconic hill of the MI AMI Festival, Ministri release their first live album: 6 pieces chosen from a tight set list, an EP that collects some of the trio’s most popular songs, in the their live version.

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