Weather, soaring temperatures. Giuliacci: “When the heat is maximum”

Weather, soaring temperatures. Giuliacci: “When the heat is maximum”
Weather, soaring temperatures. Giuliacci: “When the heat is maximum”

How much longer do we have to wait for the great heat to return? “Still a bit stormy weather in the North, moderate African heat in the Centre-South, while in Sicily, the Ionian regions and Salento the heat could be strong”, said Mario Giuliacci in the latest video published on the YouTube channel of MeteoGiuliacci. The expert identified two phases. The first, that of 6 and 7 June, in which there will be “good weather everywhere”. “Apart from isolated afternoon thunderstorms in the Alps and Triveneto because they are touched by some Atlantic disturbances”, clarified the meteorologist.

Read also: MeteoGiuliacci, “tropical” turning point: where the anticyclone will hit hard, the date

The second, which runs from 8 to 13 June, will be characterized by an Italy split in two: “Beautiful in the Centre-South except Tuscany. Showers and thunderstorms in almost all of the North, except Emilia-Romagna. Some thunderstorms also on Tuscany. Warm, however, in the Center-South due to the presence of the African anticyclone”, explained Giuliacci. As for the maximum heat, it “will be reached between 8 and 10 June”. “Maximums around 28 degrees in the North, up to 30-33 degrees in the Centre, between 33 and 35 degrees in the South with peaks of 37, 38, 39 degrees in Puglia, Ionian Calabria and Sicily”, added the expert.

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