the music chosen by the leaders (against abstention)

There are those who focus on dance, those on pop and those on more radical chic authors. The important thing is to hit the right notes. Because while politics involves less and less, and the record abstentionism confirms this, music continues to excite. And each party, for this electoral campaign between the European and municipal elections, has chosen a specific soundtrack, more or less identifying.

The last concert-rally put him on Antonio Tajani, went on stage with the national-popular Ricchi e povera, in support of Forza Italia. The undeclared goal is to reach double figures in the race for Brussels, or at least try to get one more vote Matteo Salvini. A few days ago, at another event, the Forza rider Letizia Moratti, usually very composed, she let loose on Ivana Spagna’s dance.
However, the League leader’s playlist was exterminated. Between rallies and the presentation of his new book “Controvento”, the speakers in support of Salvini are firing at full volume: “Flavor of salt” by Gino Paoli, “Cursed spring” by Loretta Goggi, “About us” of Pupo. A great mix that goes beyond vintage with “Boredom” by Angelina Mango o “Sincerely” by Annalisa. It is also curious that there is an author who has always been dear to the left like Roberto Vecchioni, who in tandem with Alfa sings “Dream, boy, dream.”

Fratelli d’Italia continues to focus heavily on Rino Gaetano, with “The sky gets always more blue” And “Hand to hand”. The great singer-songwriter, who passed away at the age of 31, was one of Giorgia Meloni’s favourites. But by the way: «Was Rino Gaetano on the right or on the left?». A question that many ask themselves but which does not have a certain answer. His nephew, however, put it this way some time ago: “Rino belongs to everyone, politics must not appropriate him.” The premier, as soundtrack, often also chooses Lucio Battisti, intergenerational and quite dear to a right-wing electorate.

In the PD house we always focus on the great classics of the left and at the end of some rallies we even sing together. A while ago the secretary Elly Schlein he surprisingly picked up the guitar and played songs by Eric Clapton and the Cranberries. Giuseppe Conte for his “pacifist” tour instead he chose emotional videos with ad hoc music. While each of his M5S rallies ends with «Long live life» by Coldplay.

In the two houses of the now defunct Terzo Polo there is the pounding «Born to run» by Bruce Springsteen, chosen by Carlo Calenda who is a big fan of his. While during car journeys, between one stage and another, there is the former general Vincenzo Camporini, today nominated for Azione, who sings Roberto Murolo’s successes on loop. And finally there is Matteo Renzi who in Florence, on Monday, will host an event with many young people, to the tune of «Boy from Europe» by Gianna Nannini. While at the end of every rally on the United States of Europe list, the former prime minister has the“Ode to joy” And «Unstoppable» by Sia.

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