Fedez may have paid half a million to Cristiano Iovino

The one reached between Fedez and Cristiano Iovino would be a mind-boggling economic agreement. According to Gabriele Parpiglia there would have been an agreement whose “figure could not be known in theory, but I am a journalist and I make use of the right to report. Because there is a confidentiality agreement between the parties, therefore a secrecy agreement. It appears to me that the figure is between 400 and 500 thousand euros”, Parpiglia told the microphones of RTL 102.5. The journalist also highlighted the coincidence with the sale of the villa on Lake Como: “Two things that could coincide”, comments Parpiglia.

The story

After the news of the beating against the personal trainer Cristiano Iovino, known in particular for having coffee with Ilary Blasi, the news first leaked that Fedez was also among the participants in the ambush. The rapper had first denied his presence, a fact later denied when Federico Lucia was officially registered in the register of suspects.

A few days ago the news leaked out: Fedez would have paid Iovino to avoid a lawsuit on his part, a settlement agreement according to which the personal trainer would renounce any criminal action against Fedez.

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