Fedez accused of slander against Codacons, acquittal requested – News

He left the judicial citadel of Rome with his hands raised in victory. For him the prosecutor has requested that the proceeding in which he is accused of being charged should not proceed slander against Codacons.

The hearing before the capital’s magistrate lasted over three hours Fedez in a new chapter of the judicial dispute which for months has seen him pitted against the consumer association made up of complaints and counter-complaints. The subject of this trial is the accusations that the rapper made against Codacons regarding an alleged misleading banner published in 2020 on the Codacons website regarding coronavirus. “It went very well – said the artist as he left Piazzale Clodio -. It’s the eleventh time that a magistrate has asked for an acquittal: Codacons should put his heart at rest and dedicate himself to more useful things. In the courtroom I defended by stating that the banner used for the fundraiser was misleading.”

Video Fedez: ‘The 11th judge who agrees with me, Codacons must resign’

For him, the prosecutor Antonino Di Maio asked for his acquittal from the charges, stating that the subjective element of the crime is missing. The judge adjourned the hearing until June 17th when the sentence will arrive. Before the indictment by the prosecution representative, Fedez had undergone interrogation as requested by him in recent months. A discussion with the parties lasted over 90 minutes during which the accused rejected the accusations, stating that the banner appearing on the association’s website was misleading for him and “as a citizen I felt the duty to report everything to the police”.

Based on what is contained in the investigation documents, on 17 April 2020 Fedez went to the Roma Trionfale Arma station to present the complaint against the Association. For the prosecution, the content of that complaint falls within the crime of slander. In fact, the indictment states that Chiara Ferragni’s ex “falsely accused” Carlo Rienzi, the president of Condacons (present in the courtroom today), of attempted fraud and defamation. Federico Lucia, the rapper’s real name, “falsely accused Rienzi of having published a deceptive message on the Codacons website with which – it is said in the indictment – he would make people believe that the fundraiser promoted on the website www. codacons.it in March 2020 was intended for the battle against Coronavirus”, thus inducing “an indeterminate number of users to join the aforementioned campaign, in order to obtain donations which were instead used for the exclusive benefit of Codacons”.

In the complaint, Fedez accused Rienzi of defaming him in a press release from March 2020 and in several videos published on YouTube. The crimes hypothesized by the artist were then archived, leading the artist to be accused of slander. The prosecutors of Piazzale Clodio had initially requested that Fedez be dismissed, but this was rejected by the court which ordered Fedez to face compulsory charges.

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