The Fantastic 4, Jessica Alba has only good memories of Susan Storm: “We have never seen a similar character in the Marvel universe again” | Cinema

The Fantastic 4, Jessica Alba has only good memories of Susan Storm: “We have never seen a similar character in the Marvel universe again” | Cinema
The Fantastic 4, Jessica Alba has only good memories of Susan Storm: “We have never seen a similar character in the Marvel universe again” | Cinema

During an interview with Comicbook, Jessica Alba she’s back to talking about The fantastic Fourthe 2005 film directed by Tim Story.

I have nothing but beautiful memories. I loved playing the character so much, it’s kind of like my life started in that moment” explained the actress. “I met my life partner, who I’m still with, and we have three children. Tim Story, the director, is still one of my best friends, we spend New Year’s Eve together“.

He then added:

It was wonderful [lavorare al film] And [Susan Storm] he’s such a beautiful and inspirational character ahead of his time, I would say, for the genre. We have yet to see someone so apprehensive and feminine but at the same time so fearsome to her opponents. I haven’t seen this combination of elements in other characters since, so I think she occupies this beautiful space or void in the Marvel Universe.

We remember that Matt Shakman, director of WandaVisionwill direct the new film of Fantastic 4 for Marvel Studios. Production will begin this summer and the film will be released on July 25, 2025.

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