Serfilippi swears, Mascarin leaves the courtroom

Serfilippi swears, Mascarin leaves the courtroom
Serfilippi swears, Mascarin leaves the courtroom

by Anna Marchetti

The presidency of the city council to Francesco Cavalieri (Brothers of Italy). Davide Delvecchio had to capitulate and ‘swallow’ the decision of the center-right coalition. Cavalieri was elected, by secret ballot, on the third ballot, with 15 votes out of 16 of the majority, one voted blank. Immediately after the proclamation there was a quick handshake between the new president and Delvecchio who, as the senior councilor (with the most votes), had opened the session. The 9 votes of the opposition went in favor of Francesco Panaroni (M5S), who had proposed his candidacy.

The two vice-presidents were also elected: for the opposition, the name of Sara Cucchiarini (Pd) passed with 8 votes out of 9 available: one of the councilors voted for the newly elected member of the Democratic Party, Ippolita Bonci Del Bene, the other vice-president is Marco Bavosi from the list of the mayor Fano Cambia Passo. President Cavalieri in his first speech underlined the importance of the city council as a “place of words, of fair and correct discussion. We really need words of peace”.

Finally, the swearing-in of Mayor Luca Serfilippi, during which Councilor Samuele Mascarin (In Comune) left the room. “I hope – said Mayor Serfilippi in his first speech in the city council – that in 5 years we will leave the city better than today”. Then he asked that the council give applause to Councilors Stefano Marchegiani (Azione) and Cristian Fanesi (Pd) who were his opponents, as mayoral candidates of the center-left and the Progressisti, in the electoral campaign.

The municipal council is composed as follows: Brothers of Italy Davide Delvecchio, Francesco Cavalieri, Andrea Montalbini, Mosè Gaiardi and Maria Flora Giammarioli; League: Mario Alberto Rinaldi, Davide Pieretti, Camilla Ravagli and Luca Antonioni. Ravagli and Antonioni have stepped up due to the resignation of Alessandro Brandoni, who was destined for the presidency of Asp, Francesca Fiorelli indicated as councilor of Aset and Stefano Mirisola who will lead the Fondazione Teatro della Fortuna; Fano Cambia Passo: Marco Bavosi, Luciano Cecchini, Giuseppe Costa and Luigi Scopelliti. The latter entered because Alessio Curzi, the most voted on the mayor’s list, was appointed councilor in the council; Civici Fano: the role of councilor goes to Kristian Forti since the first to arrive Loredana Maghernino (114) was appointed councilor for Educational Services and Animal Welfare; Forza Italia: there were no changes as the role of councilor is held by Fiammetta Rinaldi who received the most preferences.

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