“Give her a place in the cemetery”

July 2, 2024, 05:01

2 min of reading

CATANIA – “The Municipality of Catania seems to have forgotten us. We launch an appeal to Mayor Trantino, to help us remember our granddaughter with dignity that is no longer there”. Speaking is Rosaria Testa, grandmother of little Elena Del Pozzo, the 5-year-old girl barbarically killed by her mother, Martina Patti, on June 13, 2022 in Mascalucia.

A tragedy that had a worldwide echo. And in those days, from the Municipality of Catania, a promise had arrived to the Del Pozzo family: we will give you a space to bury the little girl. Well, to date Elena It is located in the cemetery in a temporary niche.

It is located in the chapel that is destined, one day far away, to host his 84-year-old great-grandmother. It’s clearly a temporary arrangement.which had been given in exchange for the promises of the Municipality.

No charges

The little girl’s family he doesn’t point the finger at anyone, he doesn’t have it in for a politician nor with the technicians, but turns to the Municipality of Catania. Now two years have passed and the administration has changed. In the meantime, however, there is no trace of the implementation of those promises.

Nowhere. In the meantime, the people of Catania have not forgotten Elena. “They bring us flowers, games, photographs, little dolls, all the things that are therewhere it is today, they cannot stay, and we are preserving everything – the grandmother continues – in the meantime people are also making donations”.

The Del Pozzo family never stops saying thank you to them. They do it periodically also through social media. But this mobilization is not enough. “People are very kind, but that money is not enough – Rosaria Testa emphasizes -. The Municipality must meet us halfway, doing what they have committed to do”.

The mayor of Mascalucia

The Del Pozzo family as mentioned is from Catania. And after their death, the mayor of Mascalucia was very close to all of them. “The mayor of Mascalucia helped us, acting as an intermediary with the Municipality of Catania and had offered us a small plot of land in the cemetery of Mascalucia”.

However, they declined, because the place for Elena is close to her family, her father’s family, therefore in Catania. “And furthermore – the grandmother points out – it was a free placement, as I said, and I will never stop thanking the mayor of Mascalucia for his closenessbut it was a space on the ground: I have no intention of putting Elena on the ground”.

But how did things go in Catania? “They went like this: they said they would give us a piece of land or a space to build a chapel where our little girl could rest. Only then the old administration left and our feeling is that in Catania they have forgotten about us, that they have forgotten about Elena”.

Leggi qui tutte le notizie di Catania

Published on

July 2, 2024, 05:01

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