Protests over rock reinforcement work – Teramo

Protests over rock reinforcement work – Teramo
Protests over rock reinforcement work – Teramo

MARTINSICURO. «The reinforcement of the cliffs south of Martinsicuro should not have been carried out in the middle of the bathing season». This is the opinion of the Europa Verde group, represented in the council by Marta Violaafter a dredge worked about a hundred meters from the shore in recent days to position new boulders to reinforce the old anti-erosion cliffs, which had partly sunk over the years. Europa Verde claims: «Tourists and residents are alarmed and are expressing their concerns to the mayor. In fact, this work is causing noise pollution due to the movement of the boulders and unbreathable air produced by the engines of the vehicle. Furthermore, this rearrangement of the boulders has made the water cloudy and caused waste that was retained in the rocks to float. The shoreline, in a few hours, has transformed into an open-air landfill. A bad calling card that in a few days has obscured the Blue Flag. In 2023, again at the beginning of the bathing season, there was the problem of positioning the black sand dredged from the landing because it was not yet ready for use, which had also caused protests due to the bad smells given off by the sediments. Attention for a clean sea continues to be lacking on the part of this administration, despite the flags and proclamations of improvement of the tourist offer”.
Another problem that has affected the Truentina beach and not only in recent days (the phenomenon is common to the entire Adriatic coast) is the presence of mucilage, a beige-brown decomposing organic material, close to the shore, which creates problems when leaving the water with the decomposed algae that stick to the skin and the usual shower that cannot make them disappear.
Sandro Di Stanislaus

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