Training, over a thousand participants for the Orientamenti summer stage in Genoa

Training, over a thousand participants for the Orientamenti summer stage in Genoa
Training, over a thousand participants for the Orientamenti summer stage in Genoa

There were over a thousand participants at the fifth stage of Orientamenti Summer at the Magazzini del Cotone in Genoa. A Maestrale hall packed with parents and young students for the event, created by the Liguria Region, to support them in choosing their post-middle school education path. The event provided a series of useful information, from personal aptitudes to a focus on the school offering and the world of work, to help them make an informed decision.
In total, in the nine stages planned throughout Liguria, the limit of 2000 registrations for the initiative has been exceeded, to date there are 2300. As for the city of Genoa, thanks to today’s sold out, a second appointment will be proposed on July 15, same location and time, in order to guarantee the possibility to those who were unable to participate for numerical reasons to be able to do so.

“Liguria is a land of training opportunities, development and career growth – comments the interim president of the Liguria Region Alessandro Piana – The success of this new stage of Orientamenti Summer demonstrates it: more and more, our young people acquire concrete tools to evaluate their professional aspirations and the available training offers. Orientamenti is an excellence of the Liguria Region that consciously accompanies students and families in the transition between school, university and the world of work, effectively providing a service to the entire community”.

The meeting and the Ligurian tour were organized by the regional councilor for Training and Orientation Marco Scajola who states: “A huge success with a room filled to the brim with over a thousand people including kids and parents. These numbers and the attention shown by the participants, in all the stages that have taken place to date, best testify to the quality of the proposed event. We have provided, free of charge, a general overview of the higher education offer in the province of Genoa in a streamlined and effective way. We are symbolically crossing our entire hinterland region included with the aim of being of help to as many people as possible. Orientamenti is a container in continuous growth that never stops – adds Scajola-. In this school year we have been constantly close to the kids and their parents with events and webinars that have involved thousands of people. The results we are obtaining, stage after stage, with Orientamenti Summer are amplifying even more the excellent work done to date. We have over 2000 registered in the nine stages, we will do a tenth right here in Genoa given the incredible request for participation we have had”.

“If after Covid the goal of Orientamenti Summer was to give back moments of sociality to our young people, with a particular focus on the very young, and therefore a slightly different target than that of the Orientamenti Festival, in the 2024 edition we return to speak precisely to those middle and high school students who are called to choose their future, thus managing to respond to their needs even in the summer period and to deseasonalise the November festival, together with the countless activities that Orientamenti carries out during the school year – says the Liguria Region Councillor for Schools Simona Ferro -. In this way we orient the kids 365 days a year and above all we do it throughout the Ligurian territory, since these 10 stages will closely concern many places in the hinterland”.

“Orientamenti has become a consolidated point of reference for young people and their families to make choices about their future, educational and otherwise, also looking for their own skills – underlines the Councilor for Youth Policies of the Municipality of Genoa Francesa Corso-. The Municipality of Genoa, which is part of the Orientamenti Promotion Committee, confirms its support for the initiative through the Informagiovani, the offices of our Youth Policies, giving its contribution in the dissemination and realization of interesting webinars aimed at young people, very young people and parents. In this summer edition, in the stage dedicated to Genoa, we wanted to bring to the attention of the kids the contest of Genova Global Goals Award, now in its third edition, aimed specifically at schools and start-up companies on the themes of sustainability and the UN Agenda 2030, which will be held next autumn to raise awareness among the new generations on the environment and the challenges of the future”.

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