Councilor Mirabella announces a question in the city council


The “defacements” to the works of White Carrara continue, but the councilor Gea Dazzi wants to talk only about beautiful things, the curator Domenico Raimondi thinks that Carrara is populated by careless people, and for the mayor Serena Arrighi the important thing is not to ruin the atmosphere since the works are insured. So is everything okay? No one is responsible? I believe that this hypothesis is unacceptable, especially considering the fact that the sector 4 Culture and Tourism of the municipality of Carrara has more professionals with direct assignments than there are balls in an abacus. The municipality of Carrara promoted and produced the event by assigning a professional the task of organizing the event “White Carrara 2024” for 35,200 euros, we would have expected more appropriate choices and adherent to the protection of the works. What happened to the work Paolo Ulian’s “Gomitolo” it was conceivable given its great fragility: it would have been appropriate for it to be exhibited indoors with adequate spacers to limit contact with visitors. The enhancement of a work of art passes through its protection, conservation and enjoyment by the public who visits it. Councilor Gea Dazzi is either distracted or does not know the territory, the news has recorded several critical issues in the historic center of Carrara, it was therefore necessary to provide for all the methods to protect the works, because neither the cameras nor the occasional passages of the Municipal Police are sufficient, in an “adequate” project referring to works exhibited outdoors, stable anchors must be provided for the safety of the works and visitors, spacers and 24-hour security.

I remind Mayor Arrighi that when he declares that the works are insured, he should also specify that not all events are insurable, especially if they are the result of curiosity or carelessness. These works have not only been mistreated by distracted parents and curious children, but also by those who had the duty to protect them. On this issue I will present a question to the next City Council, citizens have the right to know how public money is used.

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