Confcommercio Verona, over a thousand more members since 2018

Confcommercio Verona, over a thousand more members since 2018
Confcommercio Verona, over a thousand more members since 2018

Confcommercio Verona has demonstrated significant growthboth in terms of new members, with over a thousand new members since 2018, both in the offer of services and agreements. The shareholders’ meetingheld this morning, confirmed a dynamic management attentive to strategic issues such as credit to businesses, tenders, welfare, artificial intelligence, e-commerce and foreign trade.

President Paolo Arenaduring his extensive report, and the Director General Nicholas From The Dossothrough detailed slides, they illustrated the activities carried out in the last year and a half. Arena underlined the important role of the tertiary market companies, which «They create good jobs every day, cultivate knowledge, enable innovation and imagine the collective future». Despite an uncertain and crisis-ridden landscape, the tertiary sector reached over 50% of total employment in 2023. However, Arena highlighted the lack of professional figures, especially in tourism, where there is a lack of qualifications.

Paolo Arena, president of Confcommercio Verona.

Arena also spoke about the recent contract renewals thanks to Confcommercioinvolving hundreds of thousands of workers in the tertiary and public sector. «Innovative and flexible contracts that underline the fundamental role of bargaining exercised by those who truly represent the world of work and business“, he said.

Tourism in the Verona area is thriving and reflects the centrality of the cities and territories of the region. However, the trade of local services is suffering due to the closures of businesses in historic centers and suburbs. Arena expressed concern about commercial desertification, calling it «a wound for the economy and sociality». He reiterated the need to level the playing field, with uniform administrative and fiscal rules for small and large businesses, both online and in physical stores.

General Manager Nicola Dal Dosso then highlighted the growing success of the DVG Foundation e announced the launch of the Verona Garda Convention & Visitors Bureauwhich aims to promote the area in the MICE sector (meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions) to further expand Verona’s offering.

Nicola Dal Dosso, general director of Confcommercio Verona.

Finally, the shareholders’ meeting unanimously approved the 2023 financial statements and 2024 budget.confirming the economic solidity and strategic vision of Confcommercio Verona.

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