“Lifelong dream realized”

Marianna Pace, 93 years old, obtained her middle school diploma at the CPIA in Benevento: and in September, new studies with the aim of the Maturity.

He graduated from middle school at 93 years oldbut the enthusiasm is on par with that of thirteen year olds. Marianna Paceoriginally from Canosa di Puglia but married to a man from Benevento for over half a century and resident in the capital of Sannio, has finally fulfilled her dream at the Provincial Adult Education Center (CPIA) in Benevento.

Eighty years ago, when he was 13, his dreams of a middle school diploma faded: there was the second world warand in those years the bombings raged all over Italy, with the Allies pushing from the South and the Nazi-Fascists entrenched in the North, with the partisans in the middle fighting to bring back democracy. With the fall of fascism and the return of freedom, at the end of the war there was a country to rebuild and life, for civilians, was not very easy. Due to a series of family vicissitudes, in the meantime, Mrs. Pace took care of other things: first she obtained a diploma in dressmaking and then, when she became a mother, she definitively left her dream of a middle school diploma on hold.

“I have always been curious in life and I consider myself quite cultured, but, unfortunately, I was missing the so-called ‘piece of paper’ that I got today in an environment that welcomed me with great affection and serenity”, the first words of the woman, who now dreams of another goal: the Maturity. In September she will begin her studies, always at the CPIA, and who knows, maybe she will manage to take that one in a year. “Mrs. Anna represents a precious point of reference and a stimulating source of inspiration for teachers and students, as well as a figure of charm, sympathy and refinement with her distinctive way of relating, expressing herself and smiling”, commented the school principal Antonella Gramazio.

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