Five days of music with ‘L’Umbria che spacca’ – Viaggiart

Five days of music with ‘L’Umbria che spacca’ – Viaggiart
Five days of music with ‘L’Umbria che spacca’ – Viaggiart

(ANSA) – PERUGIA, JULY 1 – Five days full of music, talks and meetings in the historic center of Perugia, from the early hours of the morning until nightfall. Over 30 concerts and events, about 200 artists and 59 bands involved. For a total of eight stages distributed throughout the city: the eleventh edition of “L’Umbria che Spacca” scheduled from Wednesday 3 to Sunday 7 July is one of big numbers but also of the quality of the proposals with the best of the contemporary Italian music scene and beyond that will meet together in the Umbrian capital. Among the most anticipated are Mahmood (sold out), Salmo and Noyz Narcos (sold out), Colapesce Dimartino, Fulminacci, La Sad, Giovanni Truppi, Rondine, Enrico Nigiotti (sold out), Dente (sold out), Michelangelo, Nada (sold out), Casadilego (sold out), Micah P. Hinson (sold out), Any Other, Frankie Hi-Nrg MC.
Not to mention the many and suggestive events and meetings, between social dissemination and artificial intelligence, which enrich what has now become one of the most significant realities at a national level with regards to summer music-artistic festivals.
The festival organized by Roghers Staff Aps was presented with a press conference attended, in addition to Aimone Romizi (artistic director) and Andrea Mancini (president of Roghers Staff), also by Donatella Tesei, president of the Umbria Region, Vittoria Ferdinandi, mayor of Perugia, Daniele Parbuono, delegate of the rector of the University of Perugia, Francesco Asdrubali, vice-rector of the University for Foreigners of Perugia, Costantino D’Orazio, director of the National Gallery of Umbria, and the general director of the Perugia Foundation Fabrizio Stazi.
The main lineup scheduled for the main stage of the Giardini del Frontone is of the highest level – it was underlined: it ranges from the elegant and refined singer-songwriter music of Colapesce Dimartino (3 July) to the more indie style of Fulminacci (4 July), from the quality and chart-topping pop of Mahmood (5 July) to the rap of Salmo and Noyz Narcos (6 July).
Grand finale with the free-entry pop punk evening Rebel Sunday (7 July) together with La Sad, Vanilla and Bambole di Pezza.
Rich in music, but not only, also the other stages. From the garden stage with three musical awakenings at dawn in the setting of the medieval botanical garden, to the consolidated ‘Galleria che Spacca’ with interviews, art and music in the afternoon at the Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria. Or ‘Unipg Stage’ which will host in collaboration with the University of Perugia the formats of the most important Umbrian clubs enriched by special guests, but also the new “UniStraPg Stage”, the stage of social dissemination created in collaboration with the University for Foreigners of Perugia.
Finally, another novelty, the “StageGpt”, an area with panels dedicated to artificial intelligence organized in collaboration and with the support of the Umbria Region. (ANSA).

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