Mother with children confront thief inside home. Aversa nightmare

AVERSA. «He was a beast: dressed all in black. Tall and strong. The thief I found myself facing inside my house, in the middle of the night, had a Balkan accent and I feared the worst.». Night of fear for a family from Aversa. The thieves broke into the house despite the presence of a mother with her children.

The criminals entered after 11 pm, when only one of the boys, a 19-year-old, was present in the house, who was anesthetized. The mother and younger brother were outside to get some fresh air, together with a neighbor. «At the Come Back – says the lady, a local professional – I noticed that the door was locked with a number of turns greater than I remembered having given, having my son at home. I thought that he had wanted to lock himself, for greater security. Since in the past we have been victims of other thefts».

«Then – he adds – my youngest son, who had come in with me, said he had heard a noise in the house, as if there was some stranger. To reassure him, I replied that he was wrong and together we sat on the sofa to watch some documentaries on TV».

The evening dragged on until the lady’s youngest son fell asleep and the mother thought of taking him to bed. When she was about to turn off the lights, she heard more clearly some noises in the house.

«I have therefore combined all the other strange details with this noise: the door with the different locks, other sounds heard at the entrance by my youngest son and also that too deep sleep of the eldest, who did not wake up when we returned. To feel safe, therefore, I have placed a stop on the glass that closes off my balcony. We live on the first floor inside a very populated park». It was at that moment that the lady of the house noticed the black shadow looming in front of her. It was the thief who had evidently been in the house since she had returned with her youngest son. The criminal had been waiting on the balcony until he could return to “get back to work” and perhaps he would have also anesthetized the lady and the youngest boy.

He was discovered while he was struggling with the arrest that had blocked his entry into the house. But he did not give up.

«When I realized I was facing the thief, not knowing what to do to neutralize him and fearing an attack – the woman says – I started screaming with all the air in my lungs. Screams that woke up my little son first, to whom I advised to run away to our neighbor’s house. Then my eldest son, who, despite the state of daze and torpor he was in, due to the anesthetic he had inhaled, managed to get out of bed. He himself gave ferocious screams, first from his room, scared because he couldn’t wake up and terrified by my screams, having feared that I was the victim of an attack. The threatening tone of his voice scared me too because it was an unrecognizable tone and I thought that perhaps another stranger was hiding in his room. Then he came out waving a baseball bat”.

«And the thief – adds the victim – who this time must have feared a reaction from the neighborhood too, threw himself from the balcony».

The woman says that together with her son they saw the criminal jump from the first floor of their house, like a cat. «He looked like an acrobat – exclaimed the woman – But once down, he walked away with an incomprehensible calm. There was a black car, very large, waiting for him. My son continued to yell at him and I continued to ask for help. The disappointment is that no one came to our aid. Even though we live in a building with many apartments. On the balcony we found a bracelet of little value that belongs to my son. And it was precisely against him that that despicable being addressed sarcastic words, of great provocation, from which we recognized an accent from Eastern countries.».

The Carabinieri, called to intervene, admitted that the level of silence in Aversa makes the criminals bold and enter homes without hesitation or fear of having to face any reaction from the population.

After 3 am, the family, left alone and with this terrible trauma, tried to go to bed. «But since we lived this terrible experience, we can’t sleep anymore. – concludes the victim of the raid – I am worried about the fear that will leave in my children a trace of anger and impotence. And the feeling of being in an environment socially devoid of solidarity and generosity. In fact, right away, they said they wanted to leave this city. And we are looking for a house elsewhere».

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