Monday’s Serie B news

The Serie B is, numbers and spectacle in hand, probably the most difficult and complex championship in Europe. For years now, the cadet league has seen the participating teams battle it out until the end with the different rankings that tend to be uncertain until the end of the regular season as happened in this championship that has just ended. In addition to the events on the pitch, however, Serie B is also characterized by those that happen off the green rectangle. Anecdotes, controversies, statistics, statements and everything that such a rich championship can offer. Below, therefore, the most relevant Serie B news of the day.

Serie B, today’s news

Criscitiello vs Cremonese

Michele Criscitiello, journalist and director of Sportitaliahas raised the alarm on one of the most evident problems of Italian football: the lack of talents launched in our championships. Criscitiello analyzed the situations of Della Rovere, Pià Junior and Natalipromising young people destined to grow in Germany. In particular, here are the words of the director of Sportitalia on the now ex-footballer of Cremonese (his contract expired yesterday):

“The Germans are carrying out targeted operations and we are sleeping. Italy has a player who will be the strongest Italian of the next twenty years. He is a 2007 and plays for Cremonese, although I should say played. His name is Della Rovere. This guy is leaving Italy because we have incompetent clubs and FIFA regulations that allow foreign clubs to steal our players. Della Rovere is going to Bayern Munich for 230 thousand euros. Cremonese made him debut in Serie B without a professional contract, we are the country of contradictions”.

Salernitana from Sottil to Fontana

The Salerno It’s an open-air construction site, and confusion reigns supreme in the Granata house. It lasted ten days Thin as coach of the Salernothen the resignation due to a downsizing of the Campania project, due to the failure to sell to Brera Holdings. Clouds of uncertainty are blowing over the house grenade, where now Petrachi is on the hunt for a new coach, who will however be completely different from the previous one Thin. As reported by in fact, the new coach of the Salernoafter the resignation of Thincould come from Series C. The profile identified by Petrachi would be Fontanacurrently coach of the Latina. An abysmal difference between the two profiles, from Thin resigned to Fontananewbie in the cadet division.

The Caserta outburst

Fabio Caserta released some statements to the microphones of TMW. The former coach of Cosenza and Benevento he focused on the latest experience with the Red Bluebefore the dismissal. Caserta he spoke about Gennaro Onesie and his expectations for the next championship Serie Bwhich looks more balanced than ever. Here are his words:

I want to start again. I was dying to finish the championship in Cosenza: we were always outside the playout zone and at the time of the dismissal we were three points away from the playoffs. Then they decided to change and I don’t question the choice. But we were beyond expectations. We did good and bad things but we had the playoffs with three points. Now I want to start again. Tutino? When he arrived in Cosenza, where he has always done well and feels pampered, we established a relationship that has become increasingly stronger. What he has done this year, everyone has seen. He is a player with incredible qualities, it’s a shame he doesn’t play in Serie A. He was coming off two unhappy years, he was decisive with us and he is mature enough to make the leap in quality.”.

“Next year’s B? Like every year there will be teams that will fight to win and disappointments. The teams that were just relegated will try to climb back up, it will be difficult as always”.

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