Modena City Council, Carpentieri President, Giacobazzi Vice – Politics

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Everything as expected in the Modena City Council. Today, at the first session of the new Council, Antonio Carpentieri, former Pd group leader, was elected president with 27 votes in favor and 3 abstentions. The majority and minority reached an agreement on his name, after the controversy in the Pd related to the exit of Andrea Bosi (who today went into press blackout). Piergiulio Giacobazzi of Forza Italia was elected vice president, with the only vote against him being that of councilor Maria Grazia Modena who complained that she had not been consulted in the choice. Paolo Ballestrazzi of Azione abstained.
Antonio Carpentieri’s candidacy for president was proposed by Diego Lenzini, Pd, while Piergiulio Giacobazzi’s candidacy for vice president was presented by Luca Negrini, of Fratelli d’Italia.

A large audience was present, among the many who wanted to participate were also the former mayors Barbolini and Pighi, while Muzzarelli was absent.
Carpentieri’s first words as Prime Minister were for his predecessor Fabio Poggi who ‘leaves a legacy of work well done which asks to be continued’. Therefore recalling his experience as a ‘party man’, Carpentieri spoke of the new super partes role, as ‘from today’s choice, a very strong responsibility arises for me: that of representing and protecting the requests and needs of all municipal institutions’.
Carpentieri therefore emphasized the ‘sacredness’ of the City Council, whose service must be directed to realize the needs and requests of the citizens. In particular, Carpentieri specified that ‘beyond the different visions, the Council is called to confront for the good of Modena and above all of the last, of those who live on the margins’.

In presenting Antonio Carpentieri’s candidacy, councilor Lenzini spoke of ‘recognized professionalism and seriousness, as well as respect for minorities and institutions, demonstrating in his political career that he knows how to manage political dynamics while respecting democracy’.
Councilor Negrini said he welcomed Carpentieri’s proposal “in the hope of always working in the interest of citizens”. He then presented the candidacy and vice president of Piergiulio Giacobazzi, underlining his “experience in institutions, respect for them and great institutional instinct”.
‘I swear to fulfill the mandate in full compliance with the Italian Constitution and the Laws of the State’. This is the formula with which Mayor Massimo Mezzetti swore with his hand on the Italian Constitution and wearing the tricolor sash, before the newly installed City Council.

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