ShipMag Colloquia, a billion investments to change the port of Ravenna

ShipMag Colloquia, a billion investments to change the port of Ravenna
ShipMag Colloquia, a billion investments to change the port of Ravenna

Mayor De Pascale and the President of the Authority Rossi: “Our airport has an important future with these resources”

Ravenna – Overall, we can count on one billion euros for our investments. Many projects have already started and others will soon come to life. The intervention made on the seabed, for example, was fundamental for our development. We are talking about very important resources that will allow us to change the face of our port to strengthen some strategic sectors that have been planned such as those on the railway network”. The future passes through here as the mayor of Ravenna explains Michele De Pascale (in the photo below together with ShipMag editor Franco Mariani), during his speech at ShipMag Colloquia now in its third edition.

Many big names in the Italian port industry met this afternoon in Ravenna for the event organized by “Redesigning horizons. The port of Ravenna towards a new Mediterranean centrality”. “We want to become the port of reference for central Europe”, adds De Pascale. Also on the same wavelength Port President Daniele Rossi: “We are in a particular phase with the war in Ukraine that has affected our traffic but we are ready to start again in the coming months hoping that the geopolitical situation will return to normal. We have a solid and real future ahead of us with a billion euros to invest that will allow us to be ready for some important challenges. We can ‘conquer’ new market segments and we are also looking with great interest at China. We are trying to build an even more complex system around the port of Ravenna that can look to the future..

In the photo the president of the Port Authority of Ravenna Daniele Rossi

The conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, the new routes imposed by tensions in the Red Sea, the energy emergency, the rebirth of intra-Mediterranean trade: these are the elements that are modifying the The role of the Adriatic on the chessboard of world shipping. In this unprecedented context, the port of Ravenna is at the center of an authentic revolution that will highlight its strategic importance and natural vocation for global traffic. Goods, passengers, energy, intermodality, innovation: Ravenna’s role will be increasingly central to the country’s economy. Starting from these considerations, the event intends to open a comparison between operators, institutions, the world of work and industrywhich will expand to address the national issues of the most current relevance: from the announced reform of law 84/1994 to the critical issues of the world of work on the docks, from the relationships between global carriers and port system authorities to the need to transform ports into energy hubs.

Also speaking at the conference was Giorgio Guberti (in the video below), president of the Chamber of Commerce of Ferrara and Ravenna, who wanted to highlight the need for an acceleration on the simplified logistics area.

While Guido Fabbripresident of the Institute for Transportation and Logistics, presented an analysis on The Port of Ravenna: positioning, traffic and future developments underlining how the airport can focus on new traffic: “We are returning from an important event, al Transport Logistic China 2024 we managed to highlight the potential of our port, receiving great interest from Asian operators as a valid port alternative for trade with Europe, also in anticipation of the deepening of the seabed and the construction of the new container terminal, which will give the possibility to definitely develop new lines for the transport of goods with the Far East”, explained Fabbri. (pictured below). A point of view also shared by Luca Grillipresident of Ancip, the national association of Port Enterprise Companies: “There are extraordinary margins for growth and at the same time we must also work on the challenges linked to port work with the human factor which must always be decisive in every development project.

Then followed two large and well-attended round tables. First of all, on the topic “Ravenna: from gateway to the East to global port”, they intervened Riccardo Sabadinipresident of Sapir spa, Carlo Facchinipresident of Arsi – Ravenna Association of International Forwarders, Roberto Buniccipresident of Fedepiloti, and Maximilian AltmannManaging Director Ars Altmann AG Automobillogistik. The port of Ravenna can acquire centrality and strategic importance in Europe, the presence at Transport Logistic China 2024 It was important because our port received appreciation for its ability to transform and evolve. Our group participated as Sapir and Tcr, it was a precious opportunity in which the port of Ravenna highlighted its specificities to open new scenarios, Sabadini explained. We must try to go and get goods that are not ‘traditional’ for the port of Ravenna, in this perspective it will be essential to respect the times for the new container terminal to be even more aggressive on the market and launch the challenge to other Italian ports”, added Facchini. The port of Ravenna offers ideal conditions to develop our business dedicated to automotive, there is great synergy with all the entities that operate within the port. In the coming years we will continue to increase our presence in the territoryhighlights Altmann. Per Bunicci “the prospects are absolutely positive, for example the new cruise terminal which will give a significant boost to passenger traffic.

The second instead tried to answer the question “Ports, shipping and work: does Italy have a strategy?” (pictured below), with the intervention of Old Bakkalideputy of the Democratic Party, Salvatore Deiddapresident of the Transport Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, Brothers of Italy, David GariglioTransport Manager of the Democratic Party and Raffaella Shirt, Senator Italia Viva spoke in connection. “In recent months we have only heard promises and announcements, seeing so much confusion because we have not yet understood which ministry will have the task of intervening on the reform of the ports. We only know that almost a year has passed since Rixi announced tight deadlines on the future of Italian ports but at the moment there has been no feedback. We ask that the public nature of ports not be questioned”, relaunch Bakkali. While Gariglio underlines how “at the moment there are two different actions regarding port reform that go in completely opposite directions. It is not possible to understand what will be the result of the work carried out up to this moment by the forces that are intervening on the reform of the ports.

The “Redesigning horizons” event, the third edition of Shipmag Colloquia, was promoted by Gancio Editore in collaboration with Sapir spa, Chamber of Commerce of Ferrara and Ravenna, Port Authority of Ravenna, Ancip, Angopi, Asia, Assologistica, Assoporti, Port Company of Ravenna, Italian Federation of Port Pilots, Grimaldi Group, Federtrasporti, Mooring Group of the Port of Ravenna, Randstad Intempo, TCR Terminal Container Ravenna.

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