Aperitif and music in Rome: 5 outdoor venues for a summer evening

Aperitif and music in Rome: 5 outdoor venues for a summer evening
Aperitif and music in Rome: 5 outdoor venues for a summer evening

Magazine, 01/07/2024.

If it is Roma for a weekend or a short visit, it will not be difficult to spend an evening tasting a good aperitifaccompanied by excellent musica, admiring from a park or from a boat on the Tiber the unforgettable views that the city offers at night. Let’s check the 5 outdoor venues not to be missed.

Alexanderplatz: Jazz & Image, between aperitifs, dinners and jazz music in front of the Colosseum

With his eyes turned to the Colosseum, on the hill of the Celio Park, throughout the summer, the historic Alexanderplatz organizes, as per tradition, an excellent summer music festival, Jazz & Image. Every evening the best Italian and international musicians will take turns on the enchanting stage. You will be able to listen to excellent jazz music while sipping a cocktail, a good glass of wine and, why not, having a full dinner. The entrance ticket costs 5 Euro; on Sundays at the brunch the review Jazz Brunch it is free to enter.

Cotton Club: Village Celimontana, tra swing e street food

A stone’s throw from the Colosseum and the Circus Maximus, in the enchanting Villa Celimontana on the Celio, throughout the summer, the festival Village Celimontanaorganized by another local Roman historian il Cotton Club, cheers up tourists and Romans for an evening of lightheartedness, accompanied by the best swing music. It is often also possible to take part in free dance lessons to learn the basic steps. Then, you can refresh yourself with tasty street food dishes, where wines and prosecco are a pleasant side dish. Entrance is free.

TramJazz, concerts with dinner on the tram or boat

Listening to good music on a tram or a boat along the Tiber is certainly a unique experience. TramJazz offers an excellent program of jazz concerts to listen to on a dated one attack vehicle, which from Piazza di Porta Maggiore crosses suggestive stretches of the city or on a boat, which slowly crosses the river, always accompanied by a candlelit dinner. Dinner ticket included from 75 Euros.

At Lian, music and aperitifs on the Tiber

Near Ponte Cavour, from the barge of the Lian you will be able to admire an unforgettable sunset, with the sun that will seem to almost hide behind the Tiber and at the first dusk the lights will offer a unique atmosphere.
The Lian offers excellent dishes appetizers and a tasty menu, always accompanied by good food musica live which will make the evening magical. Entrance is tied to consumption.

House of Jazz, musical festivals and aperitifs

Immersed in the splendid park of Villa Osiobehind the Baths of Caracalla, in the heart of Rome, a stone’s throw from the centre, we find the House of Jazz. For some summers two events have converged here SummerTime hey Concerts in the Park with some of the most significant names in national and international music, as well as theatre. Inside the park the Bo.Bo. Restaurant delights the palate with an excellent menu, wine by the glass and aperitifs to accompany the excellent music on the program.

By Alessandra Pistolese

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