Weather alert tomorrow in 9 regions for strong winds and storms, where and how long it lasts

Weather alert tomorrow in 9 regions for strong winds and storms, where and how long it lasts
Weather alert tomorrow in 9 regions for strong winds and storms, where and how long it lasts

Il bad weather continues to hit Italy, with the disturbance preparing to descend towards the South in the next few hours, where strong winds and thunderstorms are expected. Nine regions are on yellow alertwhile Valle d’Aosta and Piedmont are starting to count the damage after the terrible weekend just gone. Turin, on the other hand, was hit by heavy rain today that caused problems especially in the city center.

Bad Weather Rome, Storm Risk: When and Where It Rains. Forecasts for the Next Few Days

The evacuation of tourists in Cogne

In Cogne, where the arrival of the Minister of Tourism Daniele Santanché is expected in the next few hours, the evacuation of tourists continued throughout the day – about a thousand have been taken away so far – while in Cervinia the counting of the extensive damage is being done, which has affected in particular shops, bars, restaurants and garages on the central Via Carrel, the street of the stroll.

July Forecast

According to weather forecasts, the beginning of July will continue to be characterized by rain and hail at least until Wednesday when the Azores anticyclone should return bringing sunshine and stability. For the moment, however, all attention is focused on Valle d’Aosta and Piedmont, where the request for a state of natural disaster is ready to start. Volunteers were already on the streets of Cervinia since dawn to clean the streets from the mud, while the town of Macugnaga, in the Piedmont province of Verbano Cusio Ossola, is described as an “open-air construction site”.

Faced with inconveniences, homes invaded by mud and blocked roads, the Piedmontese Anci launches an appeal to carry out “a serious reflection on the urgency of carrying out important structural interventions aimed at preventing new emergencies”. “In addition to Piedmont and the Aosta Valley – explains the president Andrea Corsaro -, the events of the last few days have also affected neighboring France and Switzerland. The fight against climate change is a theme that therefore requires an open discussion on a large scale, to which the mayors are ready to bring their contribution”.

The climate emergency

Uncem, the Union of mountain communities, is also of the same opinion, according to which “the climate emergency that has still affected the slopes and the inhabited areas is an issue that also concerns Turin, Milan, Genoa”. «The second homes of those coming from these large centers are thousands – he states – and the projection of these urban systems on the mountain areas today cannot be said to be metropolitan, given that after the enormous damage of the last few hours, once again the large cities have not understanding that those problems in mountain areas are also theirs.”

“Maximum attention” was promised by the Minister of Tourism Santanché, who will visit the community of Cogne tomorrow. “You will not be left alone”, her words. In the afternoon the disturbance then moved towards the North-East. For example, a huge landslide of mud and debris, triggered by strong bad weather, invaded the provincial road 347 of the Duran pass, in the municipality of Val di Zoldo, in the province of Belluno. ‘State of attention’ in Veneto, while in Milan the warning issued for incoming storms will remain in force until midnight.

Weather warnings

And if tomorrow the situation is expected to improve in the North, things will get worse in the center-south, with nine regions on yellow alert due to storms and strong winds. These are Tuscany, Umbria, Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Puglia, Basificata and Calabria. In Naples, moreover, the closure of the parks, of the northern pier of Bagnoli and the prohibition of access to the city’s public beaches has also been decided. A meteorological instability that is influencing the choices of tourists and that risks compromising the season, not only in the mountains, given that – according to data from the beach workers’ union – they are also deserting the beaches, in particular those of Lazio and Liguria. The drop ranges from 10% to a heavy 60%.


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