red dot today in Campobasso, yellow in 8 cities – Sbircia la Notizia Magazine

red dot today in Campobasso, yellow in 8 cities – Sbircia la Notizia Magazine
red dot today in Campobasso, yellow in 8 cities – Sbircia la Notizia Magazine

Edith Meinhart (Profil)) for the foreign press, Francesca Ghirardelli (Avvenire) for the national press and web, Laura Bonasera (La7) for national TV and Dario Artale ( for the Under 30 category: these are the winners of the ninth edition of the Cristiana Matano International Journalism Award, who will receive the award on the evening of July 8 in Lampedusa. This was decided by the jury chaired by Riccardo Arena (Giornale di Sicilia) and also composed of Gaspare Borsellino (Italpress); Felice Cavallaro (Corriere della Sera), Raffaella Daino (Sky), Enrico Del Mercato (la Repubblica), Roberto Gueli (Rai), Xavier Jacobelli (Tuttosport), Francesco Nuccio (Ansa), Elvira Terranova (AdnKronos) and Trisha Thomas (Associated Press). The evening, which will conclude Lampedus’Amore, will also see the participation of the comic duo Ficarra and Picone, the Egyptian researcher and human rights activist Patrick Zaki and the singer-songwriter Anna Castiglia.

Lampedus’Amore – Cristiana Matano International Journalism Award, scheduled since 2016 to remember the journalist from Campania who now rests in Lampedusa, will begin on July 6 with the theatrical show “Emigrants”, based on the original text by Polish playwright Slawomir Mrozek: on stage, directed by Massimiliano Bruno, the actors Marco Landola, Andrea Venditti and Francesca Anna Bellucci.

The musical evening will take place on 7 July with the participation of Raphael Gualazzi and Simona Molinari, two of the most refined interpreters of the Italian pop-jazz scene. The day of 8 July will open with the conference “Europe having left the polls and the wait for the American vote: how to describe a world at the crossroads and without peace”, organized with the patronage of the European Parliament, of the Order of Journalists and the National Italian Press Federation. In the evening the Cristiana Matano journalism awards ceremony. Presenting all the events will be Salvo La Rosa (Rtp-Tgs), Elvira Terranova (AdnKronos) and Marina Turco (Tgs)

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