Lazio, Matteo D’Amico’s memory of his father Vincenzo one year after his passing

He spoke from RadioSei frequencies Matteo D’Amico on the anniversary of his father’s passing Vincenzo.


Definitely a long day full of emotions. I still see so much affection after a year.

Targa a Latina

After the 7pm mass, a commemorative plaque will be unveiled in the garden of the public housing in Latina to which dad was very attached, where he started playing with his friends as a child. He was very attached to his Latina despite having arrived in Rome at 14 years old.

Lack of talent in Italy

Poverty of talent today in Italy due to a phenomenon that began with Sacchi first and then Guardiola: “coaching”. We have put the players and the playmakers in the background compared to the coaches. The coaches try to stand out at the expense of the players. Now there is no longer a player who skips the man. The problem is not Guardiola for example, but who emulates him. Before we had an Italian school that was based on a granite defense, playing football that had an identity with our characteristics. We are now trying to chase other models that do not belong to us.

Words by Vincenzo

Dad always said that in his time the level, for example in his area of ​​the field, was very high. Technically he divided”.

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