Events on the occasion of the 400th Feast of Santa Rosalia. Ordinance n° 807 of 02/07/2024

Events on the occasion of the 400th Feast of Santa Rosalia. Ordinance n° 807 of 02/07/2024
Events on the occasion of the 400th Feast of Santa Rosalia. Ordinance n° 807 of 02/07/2024

News (publication date 02 July 2024)

The Traffic and Urban Mobility Office of the Municipality of Palermo, in order to allow the events related to the 400th Festino di Santa Rosalia to take place, has issued an ordinance limiting vehicular traffic, which provides for the following:

– Friday 12 July 2024, from 7.00 am until no longer necessary, Piazza Marina (side of the villa and entrance to the Garibaldi garden): introduction of a parking ban with forced removal on both sides of the affected section, for the positioning of a stage;

– Monday 15 July 2024, from 7.30 am to 11.00 pm, for a duration of approximately 15 minutes, closure to vehicular and pedestrian traffic, to allow the setting off of fireworks (alborata), of the following sites: via Matteo Bonello (section between via Vittorio Emanuele excluded and via Dell’incoronazione excluded, via Vittorio Emanuele, via Simone Da Bologna, piazza Sett’Angeli, with the establishment of a parking ban with forced removal on both sides;

– Monday 15 July 2023, from 1.00 pm to 12.00 am, Piazza Marina (side of the villa and entrance to the Garibaldi garden): closure to vehicular traffic and establishment of a no-parking zone with forced removal on both sides of the affected stretch to allow the archbishop’s speech on the stage during the procession.

Vehicles displaying a sign with the words “PALERMO CATHEDRAL SERVICE CAR SANTA ROSALIA FEST” are exempt from the measure. Unauthorized vehicles coming from via Generale Luigi Cadorna will be required to turn left onto via Del Bastione.

Any previous provisions contrary to those contained in this ordinance shall be deemed suspended.

Further details in the attached ordinance no. 807 of 02/07/2024.

Ordinance No. 807
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