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Assault on Mondialpol in Sassari: security guards strike

Assault on Mondialpol in Sassari: security guards strike
Assault on Mondialpol in Sassari: security guards strike

After the attack on Mondialpol the guards went on strike in Sassari and Cagliari

“The state protects security guards and security institutes”, this is how the unions announced a strike after the attack on the Mondialpol in Sassari. “What happened borders on the incredible with a paramilitary assault worthy of the most famous television series. Only luck would have it that no one was involved or injured.” So denounce the general secretaries of Filcams-Cgil, Fisacat-Cisl e UilTucs of Sardinia, In Milazzo, Giuseppe Atzori e Andrea Lai.

“The absence of the state is worrying”

Mondialpol asked Minister Piantedosi for urgent intervention and the prefect of Sassari convened the Order and Security Committee. Now the unions are announcing a strike with sit-ins in Sassari and Cagliari for Wednesday. “The absence of the State is worrying as, due to a lack of immediate responses, the gang was able to act undisturbed for 40 minutes in a significant portion of the territory and was able to carry out a brutal attack. The shortcomings on the part of the State are evident, the police forces are understaffed and lack adequate tools to deal with now paramilitary attacks”.

“A change of pace is needed with the adoption of extraordinary measures to this escalation of violence. Which sees assaults in the sector that put at risk the security guards employed and the corporate solidity of any Security Institute – they write -. A sector that also manages the transport of money on behalf of public entities who unload onto security guards and institutions, responsibilities that are not theirs, with costs and sacrifices never repaid either by the wages or by the contract fees paid”.

“For this reason it is believed that the order and safety committees should be supported by one or more ad hoc crisis tables with the participation of the undersigned confederal trade union federations, representing the Private Security Guards, today subjects truly exposed and in serious danger – conclude Milazzo , ATzori and Lai -. For this reason, on July 3, 2024, the undersigned proclaimed the state of agitation with abstention from service for strike together with due sit-in which will be held in front of the headquarters of the Territorial Government Offices of Cagliari and Sassari, from 10.00 to 12.30“.

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