“Tour Day? More Inconvenience Than Benefit for Traders”

“Tour Day? More Inconvenience Than Benefit for Traders”
“Tour Day? More Inconvenience Than Benefit for Traders”

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“Tour day? It depends on what point of view you look at: from that of the promotion and advertising of Florence in the world, a formidable thing. From the perspective of those offering goods and services, it was an inconvenience.”

Aldo Cursano, president of the Florentine Confcommercio, points the finger at the day of June 29th when the historic start of the Tour de France took place in Florence.

“It was an extremely busy Saturday,” Cursano emphasizes, “with goods that couldn’t arrive, customers who couldn’t move or reach businesses. Tourists couldn’t get mobility services to leave, all parking spaces were made available to the Tour system and those few spaces for residents were closed off, creating difficulties, fines and tow trucks. It’s true that there will be returns, but there was great discomfort and tension. Because holding these events in high season and with the city already full adds to the difficulties. It’s useless to talk about the economic effect.”

Both citizens and merchants would have been put in difficulty. “There were many positive aspects – comments Cursano – but also many disservices. Citizens imprisoned at home and restaurants put in difficulty. Those who work in the fresh sector could not have stocked up days in advance. And, to respond to the stories going around, also thanks to the residents who fled the city and the many difficulties encountered by tourists in moving, I would like to point out that this Saturday we took in significantly less than the previous one. The Tour tourism is a mobile, non-stationary tourism, which participates in events, initiatives, catering and parties. It was extraordinary as an image as an economic impact is not how they want to tell it”.

Cursano, however, recognizes that it can be a great tourist driver for tomorrow. “Without a shadow of a doubt it is an investment for the future – observes the president of Confcommercio – and we will see the sacrifices made today tomorrow. To date, however, it has brought more inconveniences than benefits. In the long term it will bring benefits in the future but Saturday was a Holy Saturday of protests among people who lost planes, trains or were unable to move.”

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