Huge landslide devours the road on Passo Duran. Alpine rescue blocked by a swollen torrent

The landslide in Val di Zoldo

Around 2pm today, Monday, a huge debris flow she came down from a scree on the Sp347 connects Agordo with the Duran Pass.

The landslide occurred at a curve in the Le Vare area and was apparently caused by the bad weather that is now affecting a large part of the province of Belluno. Fortunately there were no people involved, but the extent of the collapse is notable: as explained by the mayor of Val di Zoldo Camillo De Pellegrin, the amount of material that collapsed was four times that recorded a year ago, in exactly the same place.

Traffic blocked

The two tubs to contain the material that had been built after that episode quickly filled up and began to overflow into the valley. Currently, traffic has been blocked a few hundred meters from the landslide and the Fire Department is starting to analyze the situation, which will almost certainly involve the closure of the road for several days.

The torrent in flood cuts the road to the Alpine Rescue Service

At 1.40pm the Alpine Rescue Service at the Agordo station was activated by three hikers, including a couple of Spaniards, on path 548, at the crossroads that connects Casera Pecole and Malga Foch: only one of them was injured, a seventy-two year old with an ankle injury that prevented him from continuing. The location to reach, for the Alpine Rescue, would not have been particularly remote or isolated, if it had not been for a raging stream to ford: too risky to cross in the water in those conditions, even for experts.

The rescuers waited for about an hour for the intensity of the rain to ease and for the water level to become safer to wade through. At 3:30 p.m. the Alpine Rescue men reached the injured man and the other couple, accompanying them safely to Agordo.

Hiker rescued at the top of Civetta

Around 5:40 p.m., the Suem Central in Belluno was activated by the firefighters, who, through the Port Authority, had received a request for help launched via satellite message from a Bulgarian hiker in difficulty on the top of Civetta. The 49-year-old was in the Torrani winter bivouac waiting for help, was fine and had water and food with him. The man, who had found a lot of snow once he reached the top, was recovered by the Air Service Center helicopter and transported down to the valley.

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