Varese, beaten and robbed after a night of threesome: the prosecutor asks for 4 years

VARESEAttacked with shovel and robbed after a night of threesome sex in the house of a man who was looking for a couple with whom to satisfy his sexual fantasies. The affair, which took place in April 2019 in a lakeside village in Valtravaglia, ended up in court in Varese, where the prosecutor asked for a severe sentence for the 38-year-old accused of robbery and aggravated assault: 4 years and one month’s imprisonment, plus a 1000 euro fine.

From online adverts to violence

For the public prosecutor Antonia Rombolàthe defendant is responsible for the assault against the 58-year-old who later ended up in hospital with a broken arm, and who had found him and his partner – who was 32 at the time – thanks to an advert posted online. From sexual play we had moved on to violence, after the night the three spent together. The public prosecutor explained this by reconstructing the facts in his indictment.

The forbidden request

The 38-year-old, according to the prosecution, went into a rage after discovering that while he was in the bathroom, the owner of the house had asked his girlfriend to meet again alone. And at that point he would start demanding the money, grabbing – and then using – the first object that came to hand. The offended person – underlined the prosecutor – was therefore forced to put 300 euros in the hands of the attacker: «Just to get rid of him».

The defensive line

On the opposite side, the defense, represented by the lawyer Elisa Tancredi, tried to explain that if the 38-year-old had really wanted to carry out a robbery, given the time spent in that house he would not have done it in broad daylight, with the risk of being discovered. Furthermore, the man’s partner was present at the time of the attack, the defender specified, and had not noticed a transfer of money: «The same offended person, heard at the hearing, he was unable to explain the reasons for the attack».

Sentence after the summer

The defense then requested acquittal for the robbery charge, and the minimum sentence for the injuries. The judge will decide after the summer.

Varese, 58 year old beaten with shovels and robbed after a night of threesome sex

varese robbed night sex – MALPENSA24


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