Aler provides accommodation to women victims of violence, Portesani attacks Virgilio

Tough stance taken by Alessandro Portesani, city ​​councilor and spokesperson for the civic list ‘News in Cremona’ regarding the assignment of apartments to two women who have been on a path out of violence for some time: “The assignment of Aler accommodation to women victims of violence which is taking place in recent days is a positive thing for Cremona. It demonstrates two truths that the recent electoral campaign of Andrea Virgilio, the new mayor, wanted to deny for mere party reasons and very low local politics. The first is that the Region, led by the much-maligned centre-right, is well present on the projects that matter, you just need to talk to it. The second is that Aler, the Lombard regional construction company (in particular the one that operates in Aler Brescia-Cremona-Mantua) is not the mass of ineptitude and inefficiencies that the new mayor has always described in all his public intervention”.

“It is curious, continues Portesani, to speak of this 2023 project as “a very important step”, “a virtuous reality”, “a way to provide an answer to the housing problem of women victims of violence” be it the lawyer Elena Guerreschi, president of the Aida Anti-Violence Center, and wife of the new mayor. The lawyer in charge of ‘Aida’, as a volunteer, is dealing with such a fundamental and important issue for women. The initiatives of the ‘Aida’ Center have always been fully supported by the Municipality of Cremona”. Finally Portesani says: “Frankly, I find it very difficult to understand how the “new” mayor, for a few more votes, could have raged, with such obvious acrimony, against the Region and Aler when he was well aware that they were working on a project of such a high social profile curated by his wife. We, as the Civic list, included in the center-right coalition, – concludes the new councilor Portesani, appreciate instead the work of the Lombardy Region and the councilors Franco, Lucchini and La Russa who have allocated 1.5 million euros to Aler, making housing available for the benefit of the Anti-Violence Centers. A financing that allows women victims of violence to be offered adequate housing solutions at zero cost for the duration of 5 years. At the end of the period of economic coverage, the Region has established that the accommodations can remain available to the managers of the Anti-Violence Centers, such as ‘Aida’, with an agreed rental fee. It is the policy of doing”.

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